Recent content by chewie95

  1. chewie95

    Truck stalled/quit running

    I checked #22 and it was good. Since the batteries were dead, I took the alternator to get checked out and it showed a bad diode. I ended up getting a reman alt and a couple of new batteries and the truck runs again. Although I had to disconnect the alarm because it wouldn't let me start the...
  2. chewie95

    Truck stalled/quit running

    Well, coming home from a baseball game with the kids, in traffic, I come to a set of lights and the truck just dies. Lights stay on, radio still on, windows work, etc. I try and restart but all it does and crank. In my haste i forget to look at the tach to see if it's moving during start up...
  3. chewie95

    No More Cruise

    I found the problem. It was the third break light which worked part of the time due to the rubber socket it's in being dry/cracked. The bulb would vibrate loose and lose connection. Now to figure out the weird hazard lights situation.:confused:
  4. chewie95

    No More Cruise

    Thanks. One symptom I forgot to add is, over the last week or so, I would have to hold either the ON or the SET button longer than normal for it to work. I got spoiled by the cruise, now that it doesn't work it's driving me nuts. Edit-I checked all of the above, nada. All lights work...
  5. chewie95

    No More Cruise

    Hey guys, I did a search on any cruise control problems and came up with a great tech article in one of the posts....but before I tear my steering wheel apart I would like to ask some opinions. On the same trip, without stoping, I used my cruise and no problems. I get into traffic and I slow...
  6. chewie95

    New member

    Welcome, from another new member. I have to say the members here have been nothing but helpful. A big thumbs up to this forum/site.:sweet
  7. chewie95

    XM radio

    I know how you feel. Since I got XM, I don't remember the last time I listened to the crummy radio stations around here. One thing I added was the modulator to skip the wireless set up, now reception is great anywhere without changing channels. I also listen thru my computer on line:thumbs
  8. chewie95

    Steering Wheel replacement

    That's what I have now, but my OCD is kicking my as*, as I know the wheel is screwed up. I know, I need to work on this:D
  9. chewie95

    Steering Wheel replacement

    Thanks for the link, those are excellent prices!
  10. chewie95

    Steering Wheel replacement

    Well, I searched ebay, salvage yards, and the forum for a streering wheel replacement for my 1995 F350. Does anyone know of any used or new steering wheel sources? How about a steering wheel repair/rebuild kits? The reason I'm asking is that my steering wheel's leather is shot and a spot at...
  11. chewie95

    Anither noob

    Thanks, and that is a great link:sweet
  12. chewie95

    Clunking upon deccel

    Working off memory here. Have you checked the u-joints? How about the transfer case...disengaged? Sorry for sounding simplistic, but you didn't mention if you checked those. Hope this helps. Matt
  13. chewie95

    Gulf Coast By-pass Oil FIlter

    That is one of the reasons for asking, except the GC one uses a paper towel roll instead. It looked like a simple set up, which I could fab up myself if the paper towels actually do a good job of filtering. Sig is now in place:D
  14. chewie95

    Gulf Coast By-pass Oil FIlter

    Rob, Thanks for the link, a lot of good research/info in there...which got me thinking.:sweet
  15. chewie95

    How many in central TX?

    I'm located just north of Austin in Georgetown. I'm not sure about any clubs here as I just "recently" settled in from Colorado.

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