Recent content by justnsgirl

  1. J

    What do I do?

    Actually, I didn't do it. :laugh I'm just trying to help find a solution to the situation. I think that what he has decided to do is very lightly wet sand it with 2000 grit sandpaper and then try to buff that out. If that doesn't work then I guess that we'll have to do what was suggested above...
  2. J

    What do I do?

    umm... Thanks for all the detail... It's greatly appreciated... I don't wanna sound stupid... but.... what's a hand glaze?:dunno
  3. J

    What do I do?

    Hey Guys... I appreciate all the help... We tryed to buff it yesterday evening without much luck... None of the scratches are to the primer thank goodness and I can't feel any them with my fingernail either... I've been told that we could sand them out with 2000 grit wet sand but wouldn't that...
  4. J

    What do I do?

    thanks for the heads up on the touch up paint... Lord knows that the truck looks bad enough with out me foulin' it up even more... I believe that I've also heard of colourmatch... Where would I go about findin' that stuff? I appreciate all the help guys.:thanks
  5. J

    What do I do?

    I'm aware of that... I was wondering if there was any product that I could use to get them out... I'm pretty sure that a few of them are down to the primer... Is it possible to use a "touch up" paint to cover them and have it still look good?
  6. J

    What do I do?

    I need to know if there is anything that I can do about scratches down the side of my boyfriends 01' F-250? He says that it's pretty bad. I havent seen it because it just happened. He said that it goes from the head light to the tail light.

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