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  1. NevrKnow

    Laid Off. AGAIN!

    Laid off, found a job for 12 weeks, laid off again. The idiots up on high tried to milk a guberment job for every nickle instead of doing the right thing. Needless to say they have been taken off the bid list for future projects. ( Talk about cutting your own throat, morons) Still have my SRS...
  2. NevrKnow


    You guys know what I went thru with 1 of my daughters. Now I ask the other one to do me ONE little favor. Mail a damm box. Is that so hard? I mean really, she has nothing else to do during the day and I ask for ONE favor. I can't leave work during the day so I ask her to do it. "Sure Dad, no...
  3. NevrKnow

    New Job

    Started this new job on the 12th. Hence why I havent been on much. Supposed to be getting a work truck. Super says its on its way, mechanic tells me they havent worked on it in a week. Supposed to be getting tools and supplies to start this new job, haven't seen anything. The other supers...
  4. NevrKnow

    Back to work ( FINALLY )

    Back to my old company. No more superintendent tho. Got rehired as an estimator. Not sure if its a step up or sideways. WHO CARES! I'm back to a paycheck. Besides, it's hot as hades down here so I will be glad to be in an office all day. ( I think) :D Hopefully this time will be diff. The...
  5. NevrKnow

    On being a Papa ( Granddad)

    I try to learn something new everyday. Well this morning I was informed by a 3 yr old that yes, the color of a cereal bowl DOES indeed make a difference in how the cereal tastes. Who knew?
  6. NevrKnow

    Memorial Day Race in Charlotte

    Pulling the camper up to Yates Campground that weekend. I really don't go to see the race just have relatives in NC so we call it a mini reunion. ( Plus I cook some mean ribs and lots of cold beer :) ) Anyone else going?
  7. NevrKnow

    Home Foreclosures

    Step daughter got divorced. Husband signed the house over to her and she refinanced by herself. We signed nothing. Get a lady ringing my doorbell at 8am this morning. They have sent out foreclosure notices to my step daughter. My wife's name is only on it because she has first refusal on...
  8. NevrKnow

    Rust removal

    Cookie's Crap Corvette Tips No.1 Saw this elsewhere. I'll atleast try it once.
  9. NevrKnow

    Door Locks

    Strangest thing. Get out of my truck, hit the door lock twice to lock and set the alarm? Damm thing unlocks its self. Tried multiple times. same deal. Tried passenger side door? No problem Used key fob? No problem Any ideas? Thanks, John
  10. NevrKnow


    If anyone has any March issues of car/truck....playboy...just about anything I think. Harbor Freight has an ad in some that has their 12 ton hyd press for 89 bux. It has to be the original coupon and if anyone finds one they can let go of I sure would appreciate it. Thanks, John :notworthy
  11. NevrKnow

    Check out the new padlocks.

    KT Performance
  12. NevrKnow

    Wheel bearing recall

    FYI I found on another site. FEDERAL-MOGUL front 4x4 hub assembly recall - Diesel Forum -
  13. NevrKnow

    New bushings

    Time for new bushings and I have read somewhere in the past that your not supposed to use some type of bushings for the steering because it will cause something to break. I have searched and for the life of me I CANNOT find that info anymore. Any of my fellow SDD breathren know what I'm...
  14. NevrKnow


    Found my first leak. 1 drop of gear oil under the front ( passenger side). Wet on the knuckle. What am I looking at guys? 1 person told me a seal, another said the whole unit had to be replaced. It's the DANA 60 front end on the truck in my sig. Thanks guys. John
  15. NevrKnow

    Brake Flush

    Here's the deal. I want to flush my brakes on my 250 and my suburban. With ABS brakes I was told the best way is to gravity flush them. Slower I know but no chance of compressing air into the fluid. My question is, would it be harmfull to leave the engines running while I do this? IF it flows...
  16. NevrKnow

    Deer hunters

    After my stuff got stolen, I came up with an idea. I have a tree about 30ft from my garage door I could hide a camera in. No wires or having a really expensive alarm camera installed. I have never used a deer/wildlife camera before and wanted some input as in the best one that would shoot a...
  17. NevrKnow


    As the title says, son-in-laws shed got hit sometime over the weekend. They were out of town. They got an almost brand new Cub Cadet lawn mower ( $3000), air compressor with the chest high tank ( dont know the volume of it). Brand new Honda generator ( the really quiet kind, $ 1800) an azz load...
  18. NevrKnow

    You have got to read this about welding a rearend

    He gives it up as a joke on page 3. I still have tears in my eyes.!!!!:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmaoWelded Dif, What the hell!!! - Pirate4x4.Com Bulletin Board Some of the responses are priceless!
  19. NevrKnow

    Gooseneck Ball?

    I have the mount installed but need a ball for a gooseneck trailer. Where's the best place to get one and do they come in different ratings? I know.....another noob question. :D
  20. NevrKnow

    New Speakers for my 02

    Looking to upgrade my speakers in my CC '02. Running it straight off my 6-disc factory HU. Any suggestions/ stay away froms? 6x8's, 5x7's, round, oval?
  21. NevrKnow


    I need to flush my system. Anyone have a current price for IH FLeetrite ELC concentrated, not the diluted stuff?
  22. NevrKnow

    Trailer Help

    Wasn't sure where to put this so the Mods can move it if necessary. I have a 21' trailer which has what looks to be a 1and a half inch bar on the back that holds the fold down ramps. My "kids in law" loaned it out and YES! you guessed it. The bar holding the ramps got bent. My question is...
  23. NevrKnow


    Completely off trucks. But I have acquired a bushhog with 2 blades and have never sharpened them. Been around heavy equipment a long time but never had to use a bushhog so i have no idea how to PROPERLY sharpen these blades. Any ideas?
  24. NevrKnow

    08 front diff cover?

    So I got the 08 aluminum diff cover for the rear of my 2002 F250. My question to you 08 owners is this, Does the front cover come as aluminum too? I want another one for the front but all I can find is like $150. I also found one from solidaxle that i really like but it's steel. Damm thing looks...
  25. NevrKnow

    Billet Fuel Filter Caps?

    Anyone know where I can find an aluminum billet fuel filter cap for a 7.3L? I keep breaking these cheap ( That's right FORD I said cheap! ) plastic ones. :lmao

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