Search results

  1. F350DRW1

    Aluminum tow hooks

    Originally bought for my 04. Bose brand. Polished aluminum, also double as steps to reach into engine compartment. New in package, never used. Very pricey when purchased, make offer.
  2. F350DRW1

    mirror marker light

    Anyone know how to access the mirror light bulb? Light is on outside of mirror housing. How do you get the lens off to replace a burned out bulb? :confused:
  3. F350DRW1

    Driver window won't go down?

    Suddenly the drivers window won't go down. 08 f250 XLT extra cab. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. F350DRW1

    Humor Decided to wash it myself

    I take pride in my Super Duty and like to keep it as shiny as a new penny. I usually get it washed outside Walmart by the local Boy Scouts, Field Hockey team, etc. Sometimes I will hit the car wash. But this weekend, in an uncharacteristic burst of ambition, I figured I would save the money and...
  5. F350DRW1

    Anybody know anything about Skunks?

    Long story short: Wife and daughter are animal lovers to a fault. They put cheap catfood out for strays, etc. at edge's of property. Last 3-4 weeks we've had a skunk hanging around but never a skunk odor. Even our dopey cats have befriended the thing. It will get within 10-15 feet of people and...
  6. F350DRW1

    R.I.P. George Carlin

    George is gone. Dead ar 71. :(
  7. F350DRW1

    comment A day late..

    Happy fathers day, gentlemen. Mine was good, hope yours was too.
  8. F350DRW1

    Diesel World DWI ?

    I picked up the latest issue of Diesel World last nite. So I'm thumbing thru this article about a rebuilt Ram diesel..its on the cover doing what appears to a 4wd burn-out. Check it out. The guys got a can of bud lite on the dash doing the burnout plus its visible in some of the stills. Classic...
  9. F350DRW1

    Question Clearance bulbs?

    Need to change out a couple of clearance light bulbs. Anyone using LED's, or better off with plain bulbs?
  10. F350DRW1

    Dead pedal?

    Day just gets better. Truck has sat for about 22 hours. Changed oil and filter yesterday, M/C 15-40 and new Fram. Weather has been warm. Truck started like it was dead of winter, and after a few minutes of idling, accelerator pedal moves but truck won't? Finally started to move after maybe...
  11. F350DRW1

    Winter blend-good riddance

    Anybody else's fuel mileage gotten alot better? Mine has gone up last 3 tanks by about 1.5, hand calculated. I try to figure every tank, and suddenly its gone up. I can only assume its the fuel.
  12. F350DRW1

    40 years ago today.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated. I'm sure there are mixed emotions on this. I can't help but think things could be alot different in this country had he carried on. He was far from perfect, as are most men, in the public eye or not. But he was instrumental in the civil rights movement...
  13. F350DRW1

    Proud of the 'ol girl

    Got back this afternoon from a nice heavy tow. Loaded friday, p.m. Delivered and drove back today, 340 miles round trip. On my Wells Cargo: 1 large air compressor, 1 Miller arc welder, 1 small lathe, 1 large drill press, 2 snap-on rollaways, 1 table saw, 1 large planer, 70 horse johnson...
  14. F350DRW1

    Fuel Mileage?

    Anyone else notice their mileage drop in the last 3-4 weeks? I fully realize we have winter blend fuel in the North East. My fuel mileage has dropped about 8/10 to 1 mpg last 4-5 fill-ups. Hand calculated, no Lie-O-meter. Just changed engine oil and filter, fuel filters should have about 5k...
  15. F350DRW1

    60th anniversary edition <cha-ching!>

    Anyone seen one of these beauties yet? I spotted one picking up some parts. No camera with me. Its got a console cover, 2 small emblems, and special floor mats. Apparently the step tubes are considered part of this package. And its only a $1995.00 option. Would it make sense to put the glove box...
  16. F350DRW1

    Got filters?

    Advanced auto parts has the M/C fuel filters in the M/C box, for 6.0's, on sale, $32.00. At one point they had M/C's repackaged in Fram boxes for $34.00, now they have factory filters. Thats a good deal. Just passing it along. I bought 3 sets this morning for what some dealers are getting for 1.
  17. F350DRW1

    10 cents in 22 hours?

    Ok, did I miss some major event? I fueled up on of my work trucks last nite, paid $3.26. Tonite, I stop at the same place with my pick-up and its 10 cents higher? I still had the receipt to make sure I wasn't losing what's left of my mind. I've watched fuel go up $2.00 a gallon over the last few...
  18. F350DRW1


    We have a food thread going, so I figured why not a beer thread? To some of us, only a few things are better than a good, cold beer. [and I can't mention at least one of those things :D :sly] I'll throw my hat in the ring with Sierra Nevada Bigfoot barley wine. Any other beer guys care to...
  19. F350DRW1

    Limp Mode?

    Truck shifted itself into tow / haul at highway speeds, trans gauge has no reading, tow haul light flashing. Check gauge light on. Will move but shifts harshly in tow / haul. :dunno
  20. F350DRW1

    Monte Carlo casino fire

    Yep, another big hotel fire. Been burning since 11:00 a.m., live stream going on fox news. :eek:
  21. F350DRW1

    Oil filters revisited

    Gentlemen: beware of the Purolator's. Changed oil yesterday and hit Autozone for filter. Fram and M/C sold out, so I'm stuck with Purolator. The "premium" filter is the 2 piece with the plastic center tube and removeable top [run, don't walk away from this POS] and the cheaper filter is the...
  22. F350DRW1

    Anyone have this happen??

    O.K. 4:20 EST, heading south on inter-state 287. Got it on cruise, 82 mph. 37 degrees, clear, dry, pitch black. Lights and everything else goes dead. Ever been in a plane when the lights go out? It was just like the battery cables were cut. No lights on highway, so basically I cant see anything...
  23. F350DRW1

    Oil filter fiasco

    Hey, guys. Anyone here have an oil filter collapse before? I changed my oil and filter on monday, drove the truck maybe 40 miles, and parked. Christmas morning I'm at a convenience store, and when I start the truck to leave there's no oil pressure. :doh: So I pop the cap and the filter has...
  24. F350DRW1

    What recall is this??

    Got another recall on my 04. Recall # 05S34. Fuel injector control wiring harness repair. And thats all is says! Nothing about cause, symptoms, safety concerns, nothing. Just says call customer service. Actually, it says call "Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center." So I call and no...
  25. F350DRW1

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Gentlemen: Have a great Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to it. If I can fry this turkey without the Fire Department getting involved that would be a plus. Going to visit wife's sister and have Turkey day with relatives. There will be plenty of drinking so the wife will be driving. Be safe...

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