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  1. D

    Help Needed Fleas

    Might look into an insect growth regulator to apply on the yard along with Frontline for the pooches. Poke here for some info on the fleas and their life cycle. They are nasty little buggers and are hard to get rid of but the IGR's wont kill them directly, but basically halts their...
  2. D

    Question same frames????

    That it would be. Only trouble at that point would be 8 trips to the DMV to get a new vin assigned as an assemble vehicle. If ya plan to keep the truck for a few years and the sheet metal is good, go for it!:sweet
  3. D

    I'm the first one here... where am I?

    Sorry to hear that. :eek: Can't say much for my self lately tho. -popcorn
  4. D

    I'm the first one here... where am I?

    Dang, Russ You doin't miss a trick! :p OK, OK don't ask but the Beef is here in the parking lot. :roflmao Good job guys for another place the git er done! :thumbs Oh and I'm here. -popcorn Ron

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