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  1. bartman

    Stealth Pump

    No to hi jack, but what did you find in the tuning?
  2. bartman

    4 studs that hold fr hub on,

    Should be cheap enough that you can go to Ford and not get raped.
  3. bartman

    the trip from hell and why i love my psd

    The PowerStroke always gets looked down on because of low dyno numbers if compared to the other two, but it's also the one most counted on to get the job done. I find it amusing to see that a lot of the high power sled pull Dodge trucks come to a pull riding on a trailer towed by a Ford. In...
  4. bartman

    Adrenaline HPOP bowl question

    It is the same housing as a stock pump. No fuel bowl delete needed on any truck.
  5. bartman rules

    Ben at powerstrokeshop helped me out this week and he went above and beyond to do it. He made sure I got the things I needed in the time I needed them in. I just wanted to brag on them a bit.
  6. bartman

    Help Needed Power steering feels like Manual steering

    Not that I know of. I had the same issue when I bought the truck and I made the dealer replace the pump. If I had to pay for it, I would go with AGR's super pump and AGR's new steering gear box that's modified to handle the higher pressures that the AGR pump puts out. It is cheaper than a...
  7. bartman

    Help Needed Power steering feels like Manual steering

    Power steering pump is laying down on you.
  8. bartman

    Check this out if you Have bucket seats......

    That's what I figured. Thanks, Bush.
  9. bartman

    Check this out if you Have bucket seats......

    Where can I get JLAudio stuff for less than retail? They are tight about their distributorships.
  10. bartman

    Musty smelling A/C

    Cool, thank you, Bill.
  11. bartman

    Musty smelling A/C

    non of those are even close...I"ll check into other sources
  12. bartman

    Musty smelling A/C

    Where's there a Midway?
  13. bartman

    Musty smelling A/C

    Bill, I'd like to do this to my truck with your supervision next mod day.
  14. bartman

    We're shopping for a new car as well

    I've had a few of those mornings. :( I get right at 12 MPG and I can't figure out why. It's been that way since day 1.
  15. bartman

    7.3 Fuel Milage, reliability, 2001

    I wish I could get the kind of mileage you guys are getting. I get 12 MPG hand calculated. City/HWY doesn't matter.
  16. bartman

    Check This out Ebay!!!

    I've seen that before with them. I imagine they get a ton of reports daily.
  17. bartman

    Check This out Ebay!!!

    SCAM, or maybe even SCAMOLA!
  18. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    That's the idea. I wonder how well these filters and canisters actually work at removing fluid from the air.
  19. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    Then read above, I have described it best I can. Does it make sense?
  20. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    Same place. The stock setup has a short hose from the CCV doghouse on the driver's side valve cover and it feeds into the inlet before the turbo. There is the filter housing, 4" molded rubber tubing, CCV inlet in the hard plastic connector, then there is the 4" to 3" turbo inlet rubber hose...
  21. bartman

    Happy Birthday CHPMustang!

    Way to go old man! You made it another year!
  22. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    Mine exits under the truck at the end of the T-Case or so. You can tell there is a light oily film in the general vicinity, but that's about it. There is a drop of oil hanging on to the end of the hose, but I have yet to see it hit the ground. My "catch" receptacle (6"x3/4" pipe capped) has...
  23. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    I agree that the factory system could get clogged as well, but the vacuum created on that short run should pull what ever through. On a remotely located canister there is a ton of hose to get something unstuck. I know that this would be a worst case scenario and not very likely. I'll take a...
  24. bartman

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    I have mine open to the world. I know it's not right, but I am concerned about a "catch and filter" setup. If you create a positive pressure in the head due to a clog, you may end up blowing out VC gaskets or oil pan gasket. One person even went as far as potentially blowing out turbo seals...
  25. bartman

    Jason Crawford and vegistroke

    It's all good. We all do that. Finding a good fuel alternative is high on my list.

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