Recent content by Renegade

  1. Renegade

    EBPV question

    power hungry - yes but not as bad as I use to be with the current price of fuel getting out of hand & no end in sight. Too Lazy to install more mods laying in the garage - Bigtime yes!! The EBV is gutted but not the pedistal guts as I hoped to move on to another pedestal someday with a...
  2. Renegade

    EBPV question

    As usual I'm not much help, on mine, I never got around to gutting the rod out of the pedestal so its still hanging there unhooked with no EBV to clip onto & (Knock on wood) over the last few years its been nothing but clean & has never moved. Once you unhooked the connector to the EBV valve...
  3. Renegade

    EBPV question

    Just thought I'd drop a line & see if you got your leak to quit on the rod?
  4. Renegade

    EBPV question

    yep you got the right connector circled to kill the back pressure valve from cycling. Cheers
  5. Renegade

    Appreciation Dinner and Giveaway

    I'll try to use my new tickets to Indy wisely :sweet :thumbs
  6. Renegade

    Diesel Nationals at IRP

    I'll be there for Sat & Sunday :sweet
  7. Renegade

    Coolant filter and coolant questions.

    I cant offer much on the Evans juice as its too spendy for my blood but the coolant filter should be a standard on em all I think. After installing the IH pump with filter base & a bigtime coolant flush the truck was ran about 2 months & the filter replaced.(non precharged SCAfilter) It...
  8. Renegade

    Sensor Locations

    Hey Crumm We kinda molested your post talking shop :eek: :sorry bout that
  9. Renegade

    Sensor Locations

    We have a fellow member on the other site that works at BP chemical (basically same place) that has sent me some pics & our fire chief has buds that sent some & I got the officail pdf release report. It looked pretty nasty & sad to say I've seen & been involved in a few very similar instances...
  10. Renegade

    Sensor Locations

    Off topic I know but I'm curious - you also work the 7 7 6? (7 mid's 7 eves & 6 days) We have talks going on about 12 hour shifts on a 4 3 4 4 or something type setup with 2 weekends a month off & one being a 7 day break but I think it fizzed out. Back on topic - I got a pile of various...
  11. Renegade

    6.0l bible

    Donnie I have a 02' VT 365 booklet, Ford 2003.25 & 2004 booklet if you want them as they dont do me much good :D
  12. Renegade

    Sensor Locations

    The same reason I'm heading out in a bit doing the same thing :sweet Though I would really like to be staying at home doing a bit of tinkering since being at work on a good weather holiday really sucks. A good thing is most of the bosses is gone & we can actually get some work done. ;)
  13. Renegade


    I'm with Rick, the power is fun to say the least :sweet but the heavy smoke gets old fast! I'm slowly working towards minimizing the cloud left behind at take offs as I can pretty much fog out a intersection in town. A couple things cooking now to help the smoke issue is the 4:56 cogs...
  14. Renegade

    IPR valve Rebuild

    Its tough getting the IPR body loose without scratching it so I use a finger out of a leather glove wrapped around it to help keep galling it up with the teeth of a pipe wrench or good wide channel locks. Also dont crank on it with something with a narrow jawset as you dont want to crush the...
  15. Renegade

    Good spot for water temp sending unit (other than pump)

    Do you mean brand or type? All are Autometer Z series guages & they are for boost,tranny temp,pyro,oil press & coolant temp - I have room for 1 more on the center pod above the rear view mirror that I never decided on what to put. I thought maybe a pre & post intercooler boost guage or...

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