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  1. K

    p0402 code (egr)

    Thanks all! So sorry for the late reply. My '04 was in the shop for a shorted trans-temp sensor harness/sensor. While it was there I asked them to look at the EGR issue. They declared the EGR Intercooler to be leaking, but i see ZERO evidence of that. I believe it was an easy answer to my...
  2. K

    p0402 code (egr)

    When you all say you clean the EGR valve, how do you clean it? What do you clean it with?
  3. K

    how many miles do you have on your 6.0ltr

    80k; HPOP replaced 1yr ago Flashed once Slight oil leak Going strong with no regrets!
  4. K

    Dude, your Hummer is soo lame!!!

    There is a manned version, and an unmanned version. Those things unleash some fury!
  5. K

    Front End Conversion

    Click on "Search" above. There are a lot of previous threads on this.... Here are a couple... 05 Grill on 01 How do i convert from 2000 to 2006 grill and bumper?
  6. K

    PLEASE tell me I did NOT cause this!

    For what she's gone thru, taking the truck back away from the dealer to have you (or someone else) do the job to save a few bucks would only further delay and complicate things. Even if you would do it for free, at this point I'd say peace-of-mind is worth $200 to have the job warranteed...
  7. K

    some 6.0 questions

    Scott, Truck #1 - Say NO! Too many issues. It sounds problematic, and may have been ridden pretty hard. Truck #2 - I don't think you can go wrong, but you may end up regretting it since it's not equipped to be converted to a Lariat. You will always know, or at least be reminded at upgrade...
  8. K

    some 6.0 questions

    Based on the info presented, I would lean towards the more reliable vehicle, and save a bunch of ca$h! However, if you really want a Lariat, I'd keep looking for the right deal, rather than spending a bunch of money on seats, etc. A little patience usually pays off. The '05 looks/sounds...
  9. K

    Good place to buy a lift

    There was some discussion regarding lifts in this thread... shop layout
  10. K


  11. K

    Can't log in to chatroom.

    That did it! Thx bro~
  12. K

    Can't log in to chatroom.

    I don't use chat that often, but trying now. Only getting the blue screen...
  13. K

    Question 2004 Forfd F-250 6.0 Harley addition

    My '04 has started doing the same thing, pretty consistantly under these conditions... If I am driving approximately 70mph, then press the throttle to about 90%, but not so much that it downshifts. The truck accelerates, but sputters once every second or two. It will do this until I let...
  14. K

    Block heater

    I've seen guys install them in the back bumper as well
  15. K

    Block heater

    Here is a resource... 6.0 block heater
  16. K

    Block heater

    Sorry! That's not the thread I thought it was. My bad~ I will look a little further. There are several threads that reference hoiw to route and where to put plugs.
  17. K

    Block heater

    I did a search on previous threads for you. This one should help you... Block Heater
  18. K

    Article Panel calls for gas/diesel tax increase

    Gotcha. Yeah, probably some truth in that. Our federal tax on diesel is already 24cents p/g ($7.20 per tank for us), and they want to add another 12c ($4 p/tank)? Again, that is before the state dings it! PLEASE!!! I'll get off my soap-box. I just wanted to make sure you all knew what...
  19. K

    Article Panel calls for gas/diesel tax increase

    I'm just not sure I understand why getting to $5 per/gal would be such an objective that they would raise taxes to get it there. Also, taxes and commodities valuation are two different animals. The whole point of the AP article ("Motorists' Habits Spur Call For Tax Increases") was that the...
  20. K

    Article Panel calls for gas/diesel tax increase

    I agree that it's a silly idea, but disagree that it's "not as bad". With the drop of a gavel your diesel ppg will go up 13cents immediately. That's an additional $4 per tank. Multiply that by # of tanks in the US? BILLIONS of our $$$ going to an institution (federal government) that has...
  21. K

    need help with exhaust ideas

    So the "Y" was in the bed of the truck...gotcha. I have a few friends who put the "Y" under the bed, which is what I assumed you did. Had the Y been under the bed, and stacks welded, you wouldn't be confused anymore! Just asking for fun. :D I'm not a STACK guy anyway, so a little...
  22. K

    Project GPW

    I'm thinking you are gonna need more than one can of WD40! :sly That looks like a fun project, and will be even more fun to knock around in when it is finished!
  23. K

    need help with exhaust ideas

    How did you get it off of the truck, put it on a lift?
  24. K


    Gut it or remove it? Much easier to remove it so you can put it back on in the future if needed...
  25. K

    Article Panel calls for gas/diesel tax increase

    It's disgusts me that our government releases reports like this during the weekend, or on holidays when they think people aren't looking. I would encourage you to contact your congressman and give him your opinion on this~ This was reported by the AP... Motorists' Habits Spur Call For Tax...

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