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  1. JLDickmon

    Disaster Kit

    Well, it looks like my daughter's '18 is starting to glitter up the fuel system. Which Disaster Kit has the best bang for the buck?
  2. JLDickmon

    For the first time since 2004

    No Ford Superduty resides in my driveway. In fact, no Ford pickup at all since 1984.
  3. JLDickmon

    You want your kids to do better in life than you, but..

    you're always jealous when THEY get a new truck, and you're driving a 20 year old rustbucket.. My eldest daughter just (week ago) traded in an '01 F250 SuperCab on this..
  4. JLDickmon

    So I talked with Dennis Pantazis last night...

    Now, DPantazis and I have been friends for over ten years now, having met here when the board was in more of a hayday and the 7.3 was still a viable platform.. So he calls me last night to discuss an issue he's been having with his '00 not communicating, generating weird random codes, running...
  5. JLDickmon

    What do you guys think? Good deal?

    Thinking of making it Superduty #3 My '99, eldest daughter's '01, this would be the youngest daughter's..
  6. JLDickmon

    frame mount, no drill nerf bars or step-boards?

    catalog anything like that?
  7. JLDickmon

    Help Needed Who is still running a 7.3 with a chip?

    Replaced my F5 chip with a Hydra.. Need a couple tunes PHP didn't offer.. no start and a higher high idle.. available for other PCM calibrations, just not mine.. What/Whose tunes are you running?
  8. JLDickmon

    FYI Wiring Diagrams

    I'm sure we've all forgotten by now, BUT I have an Identifix account through the shop, so if anyone needs TSB's, Wiring Diagrams, etc., just let me know. I have to be on my laptop to get them, so it might take me until the evening, but I'll be happy to provide them.
  9. JLDickmon

    FYI Canine nosework training..

    so last winter, primarily to help out a friend that was launching a dog training business, I started my bloodhound on scent work. We finished up classes in November, and trials start next month. "Old timers" will remember a thread a few years ago I posted here around Christmas.. "Name the...
  10. JLDickmon

    4WD lockouts

    well.... poop. 2" of ice on everything, and guess whose WARN lockouts decide they're not gonna engage! :cussing:
  11. JLDickmon

    HEY! Look what dipweed finally figured out how to request a password reset!

    helps if you can remember which email address you used to create your account 9 freakin years ago... THEN, I had the fun of resetting THAT password..
  12. JLDickmon

    Oil pan issues..

    someone refresh my memory.. There is a way to replace the oil pan on a 7.3 without putting the engine.. but I canna'e remember it..
  13. JLDickmon

    Just back from 5 days in Texas...

    where the heck were all the Powerstrokes? Everyone was driving a Dodge or a GM! Did the 6.4's kill it THAT bad?
  14. JLDickmon

    Anything exciting going on?

    I got sunburnt brush hogging the back pasture yesterday..
  15. JLDickmon

    Dennis Pantazis.. Happy Birthday, homeslice..

    Watch your exits in Beloit.. Talk to ya soon!
  16. JLDickmon

    computer issues

    my laptop is only two years old, and it's a complete and utter pile of useless garbage.. HP Compaq Presario notebook.. are these things proprietary like a Dell or MooCow? or can I get parts from Tiger Direct to fix it? or what way should I go to replace it? I was thinking get that...
  17. JLDickmon

    Help Needed At a crossroads..

    Ok.. I've had Mighty Whitey for 10 years now. Had 40k on it when I got it, now, it's closing in on 200k The wheel arches are gone, rt side of bed has big dent in it from when someone backed into it at Fair that I never fixed.. Rocker panel on the driver side no longer supports the running...
  18. JLDickmon

    you know it's a hard winter when...

    this Vue was towed in yesterday.. crank, no start.. thought it might have flooded, pulled the plugs in the front bank.. sopping wet with fuel.. cranked the engine to blow the fuel out, engine starts! put the plugs back in.. cranked it.. no start.. pulled the front plugs again.. fired...
  19. JLDickmon

    truck idled 9 hrs today

    temp never made it above zero.. was -9 when I closed up shop.. wind blowing 20-35mph.. receptacles outside all buried under 10 feet of snow.. used 8 gallons of fuel
  20. JLDickmon

    running boards & nerf bars

    My truck has the factory cab mounted running boards. My cab is a rusted POS. Therefore, use of said running boards is hazardous to your health. Who uses frame mounted shin skinners (nerf bars) and what brand? Self installed, or done by a trim shop?
  21. JLDickmon

    A/Ox4 and Makuloco2000

    What are your call signs on PSA?
  22. JLDickmon

    Thanks again, Dennis

    Public thank you to member Dennis Pantazis for calming me down in a dire straight.. yes, it was the power steering pump. I quickly figured out that if I could keep the RPMs near or above 2k, it would make enough pressure to be at least driveable. TRICK WAS.. figuring out how to keep...
  23. JLDickmon

    well, shae ain't much to look at anymore...

    but she can still get the job done... 9,700 lbs 240 miles in under 4 hrs..
  24. JLDickmon

    I'd like to say HELLO and WELCOME

    to all the new members.. looking forward to talking SD with you guys!
  25. JLDickmon

    New one in the stable!

    I want you guys to know, I shared this here FIRST... 2001, 7.3, 117,000 on the clock. oldest daughter went out & found it, researched it, bought it..

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