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  1. platinum01

    Grill Removal

    Didn't really know were to put this at. I figured since it was a grill from a 6.0 this would be the best place. I did an 05 upgrade on my 01 and before I installed the grill I painted the honeycomb insert to match the truck. Well I guess there were some area that I didn't sand very well and...
  2. platinum01

    photos 05 Conversion Complete

    Well I finally got around to putting an 05 Front end on my 01. Before I put the grill on I pulled the honeycomb out and painted it to match the truck. Think it looks better then the black would have. Finished installing the HID this weekend.
  3. platinum01

    Thoughts and Prayers Please

    Today my Dad was working in Sabine Pass setting a mobile 15' in the air. This is my dads company and he sets mobile homes in the air and works from Sabine to Galveston helping set the new codes. Well we finished and left his crew to button up the rest while we headed back home. There was not a...
  4. platinum01

    Poker Run

    I have been wondering what it would take to put on a Poker Run. We do them on the Lake twice a year but I would how it could be done with our There are so many members in the Houston area and trying to get everyone together is a chore. I was thinking if we could do a Poker Run to get all the...
  5. platinum01

    Racing Event Diesel Drags 28 Mar 09

    Just wondering how many members from the Houston Area are going to be running to Dallas for the Diesel Drags. I am sure there will be alot of NTxPSA members there. The wife and I are planning on leaving Willis about 8 and running to Dallas and wanted to see if we could get a bunch of...
  6. platinum01

    New 7.3 Y Pipe

    Has anybody seen the new Y Pipes from CMFplus. That is very nice. Wonder how go it is going to work. Stock VS CFM Plus
  7. platinum01

    Help Needed Stupid Up Pipe Gaskets

    Ok I am really tired of hearing the boost leak and only making 10 PSI so I decided to change the up pipe gaskets. What size are the bolts first off. 7/16 is to big, 3/8 is to small and 10mm is about right but still wiggles. One of the bolts is almost round and I haven't even started. Guess that...
  8. platinum01

    Get Together D.I.,Hellman Performance, HotRodDiesel @ HMP 3-6-09

    We have been going to the track pretty regularly and having fun with the ricers. Just want to send a shout out here and let you guys know we will be there again. Should be a fun night. Hope that some of ya'll can make it out for a fun evening. D.I. Hellmann Performance @ HotRodDiesel are...
  9. platinum01

    4wd Launches

    Went and ran the 1/8th mile last Friday with a bunch of other Powerstrokes. Won both my races one against a 4 door chevy truck and then next one against a ricer. But had to run both of the them down. How are ya'll launching in 4wd? Are you just turning the switch in the cab or are you...
  10. platinum01

    Most Awsome Craigs list add

    To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown Savannah Reply to: pers- ******[email protected] Date: 2009-01-06, 3:43AM EST I was the white guy with the black Burberry jacket that you demanded I hand over shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend. You also asked for my girlfriend's...
  11. platinum01

    Hmp 1-16-09

    Racing Event In Houston 1-16-09 Bunch of guys from the Houston area are meeting at Houston Motorsports Park on Beltway 8 Friday night at 7:00 for some good ole diesel racing. This is going to start being a monthly race since the closer of DHRA there will be a payout to the quickest ET and...
  12. platinum01

    Buddies Christmas Lights

    Friend of mine around the corner from my house want to do a really big display with Christmas lights this year. This is what him and I came up with. Next year there will be alot more lights. Lets just say I am glad he lives around the corner and not next door or across the street. :lmao...
  13. platinum01

    05 Grill on 01

    Ok I know this subject has been talked about before but for the life of me I can't find the post. Ordering and 05-07 Ford Grill, and my question is will this grill fit on my 01. If so what labor is involved? I think I remember hearing that there were a few things that needed to be done just...
  14. platinum01

    HP Crossover hose

    Well installed the HP Crossover hose earlier today. Took about 45 mins to installed the hose. Wow that thing is crazy the throttle response is alot more responsive and it really does quit down the idle clanking also. For any 7.3L guys out there this is a really cheap mod and is worth it all...
  15. platinum01

    CCV Mod

    Hey guys been getting some time to work on the truck and improve some areas that needed improving. Just got done with the HX cross over hose. Had to pull one of the IC tubes off and it was covered in oil mixed with dirt. Not liking this at all. With the CCV Mod how much oil comes out of...
  16. platinum01

    New Tranny is in

    Well I picked my truck up from DI friday. Tell you what DI knows what they are talking about when it comes to trannys. So this is what a new full built tranny feels like compared to a stocker with 160k on. The shifting is ferm but really smooth also. Before the tranny would shift hard and...
  17. platinum01

    New Tranny Being Built

    Ok well this thread almost made it into the 911 Forum but made to DI under my own power this morning. Last week was on my way home from Ms and the tranny started acting really werid. Was slipping really bad and the temp was running upwards of 240 degrees. Shut the truck down for a while to...
  18. platinum01

    Help Needed Diesel Smell

    This started last Friday but wasn't as bad as it is now. Started smelling just a little diesel when I turned the truck on from the air vents, but would go away shortly after. So now I am in Florida AGAIN :rant and left to head out and check a job this moring and go to where I was going and...
  19. platinum01

    Help Needed Strange Vibration

    Ok this all started right before DHRA Nationals. I was hopeing to run the truck this year, and took it out to do a couple of 4X4 launches and something just didn't feel right plus I could feel the Torque Convert slipping really bad. So after weighing the pros and cons I decided to just go and...
  20. platinum01

    Update Finally back

    Hey ya'll just want to post and say Hi and that we made it through Hurricane IKE. We had no power for 8 days, and no internet for 10 days. Glad that everything is finally getting back to normal. I had a generator that powered the whole house except for the a/c. Plus I was running my two...
  21. platinum01

    Racing Event Texas National in Oct

    Was sitting here watch DHRA Online and heard them say that the Nationals in Texas has changed their date. Instead of Oct 11 & 12 it is now just going to be Oct 11th. That is going to change everything up that is going to be alot of racing for just one day. I am going to email Eric McBride and...
  22. platinum01

    a/c acting funny

    ok this has been going on a while but I am just now getting to were I can ask ya'll about the problem. For some reason when I am sitting in the truck not moving the a/c will blow hot but when I start moving or getting on it real hard the a/c will blow cold again. If I am cruising down the...
  23. platinum01

    Hey Ya'll Just Checkin In

    Just wanted to say hey. I have been on the road for the last 3 month with very little time at home with the wife. It is very hard on the married life but she is handleing it ok for right now. I have been in Kansas dodging tornadoes, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Lousiana and now I am in...
  24. platinum01

    Question A/C acting Funny.

    It started about 2 weeks ago I was driving home from work and sitting in Houston Traffic the A/C started blowing hot air. Once I started moving at posted highway speeds it cold back down and started blowing cold again. Went to work the other morning and the Air was blowing out of my...
  25. platinum01

    Question Replacing Wicked Wheel

    I am hoping to replace the wicked wheel this weekend and I was wonder should I leave the turbo on the truck and do the mod that way or pull the turbo off and replace the o-ring on the turbo pedastal. I have 136k on the meter. Thanks for the responce.

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