It`s very disappointing to have to spend 1000 dollars on ball joints this early in its career.
You can save a lot of money by doing it yourself. A lot of auto parts places have the tools for borrow /rent. I bought an inexpensive 12 ton press that I used to do mine. It cost me about $120. But when you keep in mind, shop labor would have likely been over $600, it was a bargain.
The hardest part was getting the bearing/ hub loose from the steering knuckle. I had a serious case of "ferrous oxide adhesion".

After liberal use of penetrating oil, bit of heat and a BFH applied to an old deepwell socket on the already loosened mounting stud nuts, I was able to work it loose.
Word of advise, there is no such thing as "too much anti-sieze" north of 45 degrees north latitude.