I'm an all stock 96, 7.3 CC,LB, F350 4X4. I installed the DIY tymar.I did experience a slight HP gain too. I don't know what it was, but I'm thinking maybe 5, to 7, or 8 HP. Regardless, I know the engine is breathing better[more HP], and I have lowered my EGT's.[No gauges yet! I'm going by what Ive read on this site]. A step I needed to do, before I start with the mechanical upgrades.Next is gauges[EGT,Boost]. Then I will do a TW chip. I'm only looking for something in the 350-400 HP range.I still want 300,000, miles, or more, before I pull a head,or oil pan. I'm looking at 130,000, now. I drive like an old lady, so, it'll happen. Good luck with your's. 7.3 IS FOR ME!