Need some serious advice guys.... How do you deal with loosing one of the most important people in your life. The girl i gave my heart to and made plans to marry on Oct. 4 of 2008, walked out on me 2 months ago and it still seems like yesterday. I'm not the same, I never used to drink much, now I kill a bottle of Jack Daniels in under a week. any good advice, because I'm lost
Thanks Guys
first and foremost stop drinkin. it will cloud your judgement and won`t help making the right decisions....i will try to make this short....10 years ago this past christmas, now my ex wife asked me for a divorce 2 days before christmas.
it threw me for a loop, for quite awhile(3 years)....i thought having a few drinks(lots) would solve my problems, it usually made things worse....she was my high school i know what you are going through(and i know this isn`t about me) my opinion, the best thing is to move forward(yes it will be hard)....keep a positive attitude and remember that it will get easier everyday(it will)...
i wasted three years of my life(waiting for her to come back....

) everybodies situation is little bit the best advice i can give is stay positive, lay off the bottle and it helps to talk (you will find out who your best friends are, they will listen and offer advice)......i hope this helps of luck.....also one last thing, you might not want to hear this right now, but there are more fish in the sea.....