I may have to throw another shovel full of cash at the thing and try to get another year out of it. The prices of the new ones are favorable with fuel being at an all time high. Selling a well-used diesel or trying to trade is another story.
I test drove a 250 and a 350 single wheel 08's. while they put a turbo on my truck.
I was not impressed compared to my 6.0.
The mechanic even told me my truck ran better then 90% of all the diesels he has driven.
Dont really know why, never had a programmer or any major mods.
Only a 4" cat back MBRP exaust.
Went on a trip 600 miles, set the cruise at 70mph, and hand cal the milage,
It averaged around 16.2 mpg, with the truck empty. I will keep mine very happy with it.
I hear ya, Dennis. Just cleaned and re-oiled my air filter, changed my front and rear diff fluids to R/P synthetic, tires hard as a rock....keeping it at 60 or less 17.9-18 hand calculated. The new trucks apparently all suffer from low mileage. Can I get 300k out of an 04 6.0? Stay tuned...