DIY EGR delete


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona
Diesel Power had a complete write up on it a month or so ago. They did totally take everything off to get at it, though. I know there are kits out there that do not require nearly as much work.


Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
College Station, TX
Personally, I took the long (but inexpensive) route in ridding my truck of the EGR system. I took the intake manifold (and everything above it) off. Then I removed the EGR cooler and MIG welded a 50-cent piece sized 1/4" thick steel plate into the inlet side of it. This saved me at least $500. All I had to buy was the intake manifold gasket set from the Ford dealer. However, It is an all-day affair taking a total of about 6-7 hours for one person if you know what you're doing. Plus, you have to have a welder handy(MIG or TIG). I've heard of people just pulling the passenger side up pipe out from underneath and welding a plate in there to block the exhaust flow into the EGR cooler. This sounds like it accomplishes the same thing quicker, I just went the long way. I didn't have anything better to do anyway lol. This shorter method might also be better if you have a later model 6.0L because they put some little "scoop" thing in the up pipe that you could get rid of while bypassing the EGR at this time. I've even heard of people just putting some little steel disc between the mating surfaces of the up pipe and the egr cooler, but I wouldn't advise putting loose items into your exhaust system-especially in front of a turbo lol. I guess the only reason I could see buying an actual EGR delete kit with the $450 10" long piece of stainless steel tube that probably cost $20 to make, is if your EGR cooler has already crapped out. As for the actual EGR valve itself, I just got one of those EGR Spool block offs on ebay- yes- ebay. If you just get the plate block-off, coolant could still enter your combustion chamber, should your cooler be on the breaking point already and begin to leak, but if you get the spool-type block off valve that uses factory o-rings to seal itself off, it completely seals off the EGR portion of the intake manifold. Hope this info helps. I don't have any pics of this operation, but I'm sure someone on here does. If you're familiar with how the EGR system works, it's easy to get rid of it- Kinda one of those "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" type thing lol. (EGR being the enemy) Good luck though- It's been my favorite mod by far now mostly because of the way lower EGTs and piece of mind, but the list of advantages to this mod is almost as long as this post!

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