Merry X-Mas Everyone. Now Look Out!


Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Rowlett, Texas
I know it is the Christmas Season and we all want there to be peace and harmony, but there is still scum out there waiting to ruin it. I was at Kohl's last night in Rockwall around 9:15pm, it was foggy and misting. I parked the X way out so nobody would park next to me. On my way out with the wife and kids, I noticed 3 High School age boys walking across the parking lot towards my truck (parallel with the bldg). Thinking that was odd and having the family with me, my son and I started talking loud and made like we were racing so we would be noticed going to my truck. Well the teens kept on walking past the X, but then went around from car to car browsing, so I fired up the X and lit up the paking lot with my lights. After they wandered by a few cars a Grey Chebby CC pulled up fast and they jumped in. Since the family was with me, I let them go.

They know who they are and I hope they get caught by someone not nearly as nice.

Moral to the Story: Lock up your packages and keep a close eye on everybody and everything at this time of the year. Watch out for each others best interest, I hope I saved someone from having a bad X-MAS.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I know it is the Christmas Season and we all want there to be peace and harmony, but there is still scum out there waiting to ruin it. I was at Kohl's last night in Rockwall around 9:15pm, it was foggy and misting. I parked the X way out so nobody would park next to me. On my way out with the wife and kids, I noticed 3 High School age boys walking across the parking lot towards my truck (parallel with the bldg). Thinking that was odd and having the family with me, my son and I started talking loud and made like we were racing so we would be noticed going to my truck. Well the teens kept on walking past the X, but then went around from car to car browsing, so I fired up the X and lit up the paking lot with my lights. After they wandered by a few cars a Grey Chebby CC pulled up fast and they jumped in. Since the family was with me, I let them go.

They know who they are and I hope they get caught by someone not nearly as nice.

Moral to the Story: Lock up your packages and keep a close eye on everybody and everything at this time of the year. Watch out for each others best interest, I hope I saved someone from having a bad X-MAS.

This is giving me bad flashbacks to a similar scenario in my football and wrestling days. I was ripped. Fricking huge. I was benching 375, was 6 foot 1” tall at the time, and weighed around 220. (Just so you know, I’m now 6’4” and 290, and while I’m not nearly as hard as I used to be, most wouldn’t consider me to be FAT…) .

Most scrawny guys would assume that a guy of my size and stature at the time would be relatively free of troubles from 90% of the guys in the world. They’d be wrong. My size and stature was like an insult to other men. I was CONSTANTLY having people screw with me(especially when they were in groups.). You know, elbow me as they walk past, muttering insults, that sort of thing. Anyway, I know it is not just me, my little sisters boyfriend is a bodybuilder, and he almost got into a brawl at a hockey game staurday night when a guy shoved him from behind and called him a douchebag. The guy was scrawny, so he took pity and let him live.

Anyway, back to the story. My girlfriend at the time and I were coming out of a movie theater at about midnight. When we got there, the lot was crammed, so we had to park way in the back around the side of the building. At midnight, when the movie let out, the lot was almost empty. Especially way in the back around the side of the theater. I was nervous about it already, so I held her arm and walked quickly for the truck. On the way there, 4 guys about my age came from the shadows near the building and walked our way.

Too far to make it to the truck, and too proud to run, I got my keys out and gave them to the GF, told her to go to the truck and get in and lock the doors. I walked with her until they got close enough, and then turned and confronted all four.

What words were exchanged, I do not remember, but soon the catalyst came, and I made the decision that my only way out of this one without getting my ass beat was to start it, hard and furious and mean, and take as many of them out of the game before they could react, as possible.

I punched one in the face, and threw a kick (with a pair f steel-toed Mack work boots) right into the center of the second guy’s shin. The punch was okay, it kind of glanced off the side of the first guy’s face, but the kick, ohhh, man. I’ve never kicked anything so hard and so perfectly in my life. I would have hated to see the guy’s leg the next morning.

Anyway, the kick recipient went down, the punch recipient stumbled backwards with a bloody nose, and the other two guys decided that they’d had their fun, so they backed off.

I backed off to the truck, happier than heck that my plan for pre-emptive action had worked, since I don’t know if I could have taken four guys at once (since this was the only fight I’d ever been in, I had no idea if I could fight or not…). I got in, we drove off, and I was so glad that I managed to get clear of that with everyone safe and unhurt.

Come to find out, the GF recognized them. They were friends of her ex boyfriend, and had seen us together outside the theater (in fact, had probably been at the same movie as us, and had seen us either coming in or going out) and they decided to beat me up for whatever sin I had committed.


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :hail

MAN hoss, i will never make fun of your long posts ever again.

oh, wait a minute, wasn't that robert that made fun of your long winded posts?

never mind.

:roflmao :roflmao :sweet :hail :hail :hail


Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Rowlett, Texas
Way to Smack Down Hoss, I wonder how 2 of the friends explained that they chickened out ...... and let there friends get beat up.......


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