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  1. T

    EGR delete and new oil cooler

    Well, it finally happened. Engine getting too hot, but the EDAS from system I installed some time back saved me... sorta. About 5 months ago I flushed the cooling system (long story, won't go into it) using up about 8 hours on a Saturday. Caught the original coolant in a...
  2. T

    Overheat condition

    Hey guys! Some time back I installed the EDAS system being sold by If you don't know what that is, it's basically a pressure monitor for the cooling system that has an audible alarm if the system rises above 16 psi for more than a few minutes. When that was...
  3. T

    Now I've got time....

    to install the Ford aux switches and other components to accomplish the high idle mod (among other things) and have everything be stock looking. I know I saw some pictures on this forum that someone had taken using the Ford goodies, but I'll be jiggered if I can find them now. Can someone...
  4. T

    Sun roof no worky...

    I needed to replace the gasket around the sunroof a little while back. Old original had become so loose that the glass would rattle around at high speed due to the airflow over the roof. Removed the glass, stripped off the old gasket, and had one b**ch of a time getting the new one on...

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