Cps help is on it's way?


The RamSmoker
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Enumclaw, WA
I want to thank everybody who helped by filing a claim for a recall. I recieved more mail from nay-sayers that I did positive people. There must have been alot of us filing this complaint. It has only been two months and the NHTSA is contacting owners. I'm beside myself with joy. This is the icing on the cake. I couldn't believe I beat Ford on two warranty issues but the CPS recall developing in such a short time frame. I'm positive now that we don't have to lie down and take it any more.

From: Chan, Steve <[email protected]>
To: "Chan, Steve " <[email protected]>
Subject: Ford Super Duty engine stalling/camshaft position sensor
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 12:27 PM
Dear Sir or Madam,

You are receiving this email because you had reported to us concerning engine stalling on your model years 1999-2001 Ford Super Duty pickups and Excursion vehicles.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) is presently reviewing a number of these complaints. To consistently identify the faulty components associated with the engine stalling event, we are seeking copies of any repair/remedy records, and any actual defective hardware. Please E-mail scanned copies of these records to this address or faxes them to my attention on (202) 366-7882.

In addition, please respond to the following:

Does the vehicle have an engine made by Ford or Navistar?
Does the vehicle have a vacuum or a hydro (hydraulic pressure from the power steering pump) brake booster?
Were there any warnings prior to the engine stalling event?
Did you have problem (no difficulty at all, somewhat difficult, very difficult, and impossible) with steering and braking to bring the vehicle to a controlled stop after the stalling had occurred?
Were you able to restart the vehicle (immediately, after 5 minutes, after 15 minutes or longer)?
What was the root cause of the engine stalling?

Should you have questions or comments, please feel free to call me on (202) 366-8537. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Steve Chan

Safety Defects Engineer



SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Does the vehicle have a vacuum or a hydro (hydraulic pressure from the power steering pump) brake booster?
Did you have problem (no difficulty at all, somewhat difficult, very difficult, and impossible) with steering and braking to bring the vehicle to a controlled stop after the stalling had occurred?

I suggested 3yrs ago that having one of these fail on a steep winding mountain road could be deadly.

FWIW..........I think I have two bad ones that I have changed out.

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Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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Of the 12 people I personlly Know that have a 99/01 Superduty with a 7.3 I know of none including myself that has HAD to replace the CPS. I did replace the CPS on my 01 but I did that because of web sites like this that people tell you they are all bad. My truck was missing I was told the CPS Could be causing this. It was not, the OEM CPS is on the shelf along with a TPS, Speed Sensor and a Vacume Pump All good parts I've take off and replaced because of what people tell you on this and other sites!!

Anything that shuts down any motor on a Steep Mountian Road is Deadly!! Including running out of fuel!!


SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I don't buy the CPS causing a miss or bad fuel milage etc, etc..........

If it is bad.........it shuts down the engine. It's a go or no go deal. I have replaced two on the side of the road.

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Jun 12, 2005
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Mobeydick said:
Of the 12 people I personlly Know that have a 99/01 Superduty with a 7.3 I know of none including myself that has HAD to replace the CPS. I did replace the CPS on my 01 but I did that because of web sites like this that people tell you they are all bad. My truck was missing I was told the CPS Could be causing this. It was not, the OEM CPS is on the shelf along with a TPS, Speed Sensor and a Vacume Pump All good parts I've take off and replaced because of what people tell you on this and other sites!!

Anything that shuts down any motor on a Steep Mountian Road is Deadly!! Including running out of fuel!!

I think what Lance is trying to say is this: if not then I'm saying it.:p There is no warning of the CPS failure. There are some that say its will miss and/or give warning signs I say BS. When it goes it just goes. I had to replace mine at 46K. I was going 50mph in rush hour and was almost rearended because I could not steer the truck into a turn lane. CPS's do fail, they do fail often. If you and your buddies want to drive around without one in the glovebox, then go ahead. "because of websites like this" you say? Nobody on this site is charging for their opinion. If you took the advice of an "internet expert" to save yourself a buck, then the decision to change your cps with a missing engine was your decision. Maybe you should have done more research. Your statement that was trying to compare running out of fuel with cps failure is no good IMO. You do have a fuel gauge right? Then I guess you will have warning. If the pumps fails then thats another thing, but pumps on these trucks don't die anywhere the rate of the cps. The cps IS a safety issue. Bryan


Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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Actually, I did have 3 Diesel Machs. work on the truck to fix the Miss. Not including the Ford Dearlers Tech. With 211,000 and no codes it's kinda hard to fix it if it doesn't code. The CPS was the last Item I had replaced because I think the CPS thing is all BS.

BTW: A Web Site did give me the answer to the miss. The Dieselmans Site!! I didn't know there was a Dieselmans site until I was just about to sell the truck!!


God Bless America
Apr 6, 2005
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Western Michigan
Mobeydick said:
BTW: A Web Site did give me the answer to the miss. The Dieselmans Site!! I didn't know there was a Dieselmans site until I was just about to sell the truck!!
Instead of just being a nay sayer on the CPS, why not share the info you gleaned from the Dieselmans site as to the fix. I'm sure some of us that carry a spare, would like to know that answer in case it ever happens to us so we don't break out the new CPS we have stored for these many years. And then find out it wasn't the problem. :(


Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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I have stated in the Imfamous CPS thread my trucks problems and what the fix was. I will do it again here!

My truck never shut off as a matter of fact it never came close to shutting off. It was Missing and Bucking (jerking), Some said it was the CPS, I didn't think so because Like Tbar, I think if there bad there bad.

As far as what was wrong with mine. I was running the wrong type of oil in truck. It was a very good Diesel rated oil but not a CI-4 rated!!


Here's my pride!
Jun 10, 2005
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I think if you have never wet your pants you won't know what diaper rash is.

With that being said, you are comparing apples and oranges. Oil types and CPS's are two different area entirely. The engine wont' start if the CPS doesn't send the correct signall, or signal at all. The engine also won't if there is not enough at the injectors to fire them. if you have the wrong oil type you have the possibility of foaming and/or lubrication issues. It's hard to say exactly what your problems were , I am no means an expert, but I have done my research and have come to my conclusion on the maint of my truck. I have been fortunate to have a small warning b/f my CPS went out. My truck would stall and I was able to restart the engine. Not everyone will have that. Consider yourself lucky not to experience the CPS total failure. Most envy you with that. However you did state that you changed your CPS after reading some posts. I read an article stating that the intercooler robs your engine of power and performance, well if one would believe the article then that individual would probably go and rip out the intercooler b/c they believed what they have read.
I will leave you with one last thought, read the signatures of the members posting threads and replies. YOu will often see a sig that says everyone on the internet is an expert diesel mechanic. with some other verbage. check out their mods. Then ask yourself "What do I really want out of my truck?" Do the research, get opions, ask to drive the rigs of friends, members, and anyone who will let you "see" for yourself what is best in your mind for YOUR truck. .....

..step.....step.....(placing soapbox on the shelf to collect dust)

Good luck,


SDD Junior Member
Dec 23, 2005
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Maplewood, MN 55109
I had the CPS replaced on the 99 at 185K miles and it was not the problem, a shorted wire was found.

However a CPS was replaced on the 00 at 114K and at 124K miles. Both times same problems and both times fixed with a CPS replacement. Second time was free under the IH warranty.

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