Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”


Diesel Head
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
North East, MD
Thats right its time for the games to begin again.....

Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

The Mason-Dixon TDC would like to extend our invitation to all who desire to participate in this great end of the year show.This is our annual 2 day dyno competition which hosts some of the finest examples of diesel powered Trucks from all over the country.We also have a covered dish cookout for those who would like to bring their favorite food along to share with the whole group.

The Dates.....Saturday & Sunday October 21st-22nd-Rain Or Shine
The Place......Kauffman Motorsports
901 Range End Road
Dillsburg,PA 17019
The Cost.......$70 for 3 spins with HP/TQ readings.

Remember stack equipped owners we would like you to drop your flex pipes is possible or allow us to some way vent the soot outside.Also we would like the dually owners to drop their outside tires off which allows us to move trucks in and out more efficently.Tools will be provided by Kauffmans to accomplish this and all we ask is to put them away when finished.The shop is also available for those who have last minute goodies to do or install and all they ask is that you dyno sometime that weekend.We did a great job at the spring show with the extra work and it showed when we were done,which we recieved many thanks for our proffessionalism.

As the time goes on from now out Doug and I will be dropping in with which vendors step in and join us.We are looking for a few diesel oriented shops who desire to be vendors for the weekends activities.I will list the competition classes in the next post.You will notice that we have moved this one weekend later so we didn't go head to head with the EEP Charity Pull in Ohio on the 14th.This will accomodate those who would have liked to go to both and couldn't last year,plus allow the charities a better chance to benefit from move.

Lets hear from you out there with food and if your going to join us.This show always draws some of the finest examples of diesel pickups for the weekends activities and there is always something there for everyone.............


Diesel Head
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
North East, MD
Here are the classes for Fall Brawl 2006........

STOCK- This class is limited as in the years past to the following mods,air intakes and aftermarket exhausts.NOTHING ELSE!.Those caught with other unapproved mods in this class will forfeit any chance of winning anything.Please be honest owners,this is a fun show and I'd like to keep it that way.

MODIFIED-This class is limited to a SINGLE turbo with NO PUMP CONVERSIONS(example:A 24 Valve single turbo truck with a P-Pump installed)and on #2 ONLY.The use of over the counter fuel additives is permitted but NO DRUGS(this includes meth injection and water misters).Aftermarket chargers,fueling boxes,injectors and pusher pumps are all legal.Owners who run single chargers and use drugs may compete as long as their bottle has been disconnected or removed,these owners will be asked to show they did this when they enter the dyno room.Superchargers are permitted in this class ONLY if they are run by themselves and are not being used with a turbo.

COMPETITION-This class will allow any fuel pump combination(example:p-Pump conversions),any charger(twins included) or supercharger and run on #2 alone.Over the counter fuel additves permitted but NO DRUGS(this includes meth injection and water misters).Any injector,fueling box,aftermarket turbos(twins permitted) and pusher pumps are ok.Owners who have drugs may compete but must disconnect their bottles or tanks and will be asked to show this when they enter the dyno room.

UMLIMITED-Run What Ya Brung...This is the "Don't Bring A Knife To A Gunfight Class".
Any fuel,charger configuration any amount of drugs can be used here.The only rule here is the HOOD MUST close and latch tightly.This is for safety reasons as we have seen the aftermath of a head-gasket explosion with the hood open.


Diesel Head
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
North East, MD
A note from Andy on the Show & Shine :)

Show-N-Shine Participants...
This will be a SATURDAY ONLY event and is sponsored by "Old Chickies Hill Auto Transport".I have chatted with Cliff in depth the last couple of weeks on this and here is how it will be run.Show-N-Shine will be open to all who come,including club officers.While we differ on this subject I do understand why he wants it this way,as all should be able to enjoy the days activities.However,I will not enter mine nor want anyone to vote on it.With me doing this all summer long I'll keep mine out so others can have a chance to win.

Here is what the classes will be for awards.Throphies will be given to Best Dodge...Best Ford...Best Chevy/GMC...Best Work Truck...Ernie & Nancy's Pick(which we will be our best of show picked by them and it could be any make or model).You will need to register with us Saturday before 11am as I will cut the entries off then.We will then after lunch send our judges out with a list of items to look for and at made up by me.I will get Ernie and Nancy to go out around 4pm to make thier choice and when we are finished dynoing we will hand out awards and take photo's.You MUST be in attendence to win as we do want photo's of the winners and their respective rides.

While I do understand that it will be tough for a owner to compete with a older and wiser truck against a newer low milage ride,age will not be a determining factor.I have a few tricks up my sleeve from all my shows I have been in and at which will make age or milage a moot point.So now think hard,clean them up,make them shine and see if you can out think me and score high to win your class.


Diesel Head
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
North East, MD
Please look over this list http://home.comcast.net/~gdapron/FallBrawl.htm and make sure your info is correct. If you are still undecided on what to bring, we could use some Paper plates, utensils, napkins, coolers and of coarse…….more food!! Remember, there will be 150+ people eating each day so plan accordingly. You don’t have to bring enough for everyone, but please bring enough to share.


This list is merely to help us plan and be prepared for the event. IT IS NOT A PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THE DYNO!!!!!! SIGNUP FOR THE DYNO IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE THE DAYS OF THE EVENT!! We will do our best to work with people who will only be there one day or have to leave early. We ask that those attending both days be a little flexible with the day and time they Dyno so we can get everyone on the rollers who wants to!!

Below is all the info for the event and we look forward to seeing everyone!!

That’s right its time for the games to begin again.....

Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

The Mason-Dixon TDC would like to extend our invitation to all who desire to participate in this great end of the year show. This is our annual 2 day Dyno competition which hosts some of the finest examples of diesel powered Trucks from all over the country. We also have a covered dish cookout for those who would like to bring their favorite food along to share with the whole group.

The Dates.....Saturday & Sunday October 21st-22nd-Rain Or Shine
The Place......Kauffman Motorsports
901 Range End Road
Dillsburg,PA 17019
The Cost.......$70 for 3 spins with HP/TQ readings.

Remember stack equipped owners we would like you to drop your flex pipes is possible or allow us to some way vent the soot outside. Also we would like the dually owners to drop their outside tires off which allows us to move trucks in and out more efficently.Tools will be provided by Kauffman’s to accomplish this and all we ask is to put them away when finished. The shop is also available for those who have last minute goodies to do or install and all they ask is that you Dyno sometime that weekend. We did a great job at the spring show with the extra work and it showed when we were done, which we received many thanks for our professionalism.

Let’s hear from you out there with food and if you’re going to join us. This show always draws some of the finest examples of diesel pickups for the weekend’s activities and there is always something there for everyone.

Here are the classes for Fall Brawl 2006........

The rules for this class will be as follows......
This class will be open to all trucks listed below...
1989-1993 Dodge 1st Generation Diesels
????-1997 Ford Diesels
????-2000 Chevy/GMC Diesels(NON-Duramax motors)

Rules for this class will be as follows.....
-All trucks must be equipped with engines and fuel pumps which came on the trucks from the factory(ex-No P-Pumps On 1st Gen Dodges,No Cummins swap trucks).
-#2 Diesel ONLY.....NO DRUGS!!!!!!(If owners have meth kits,nitrous or propane they MUST show the bay operator that they are OFF or disconnected).
-SINGLE Charger OR Supercharger ONLY...NO TWINS Or Turbo/Supercharger combos permitted.
-ANY Internal pump mods allowed,ANY Injector Allowed,Fuel Pusher Pumps legal.
-Over the counter fuel additives ONLY.
-Hoods must be closed during run.

MODIFIED-This class is limited to a SINGLE turbo with NO PUMP CONVERSIONS (example: A 24 Valve single turbo truck with a P-Pump installed) and on #2 ONLY. The use of over the counter fuel additives is permitted but NO DRUGS (this includes meth injection and water misters).Aftermarket chargers, fueling boxes, injectors and pusher pumps are all legal. Owners who run single chargers and use drugs may compete as long as their bottle has been disconnected or removed, these owners will be asked to show they did this when they enter the Dyno room. Superchargers are permitted in this class ONLY if they are run by themselves and are not being used with a turbo.

COMPETITION-This class will allow any fuel pump combination (example: P-Pump conversions), any charger (twins included) or supercharger and run on #2 alone. Over the counter fuel additives permitted but NO DRUGS(this includes meth injection and water misters).Any injector, fueling box, aftermarket turbos(twins permitted) and pusher pumps are ok.Owners who have drugs may compete but must disconnect their bottles or tanks and will be asked to show this when they enter the Dyno room.

UMLIMITED-Run What Ya Brung...This is the "Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight Class".
Any fuel, charger configuration any amount of drugs can be used here. The only rule here is the HOOD MUST close and latch tightly. This is for safety reasons as we have seen the aftermath of a head-gasket explosion with the hood open.


Diesel Head
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
North East, MD

Remember Show-N-Shine classes sponsored by "Old Chickies Hill Auto Transport" are as follows....

Best Dodge
Best Ford
Best Chevy/GMC
Best Work Truck
Ernie and Nancy's Pick(this will be the best of show as they will choose from all trucks)

Doug has gotten a better price on the trophies from the place where we get our others from and he has told me that they are very nice.Now all we need to do is get Cliff to be as photogenic as he can and we are all ready.

Also worthy news for all who attend...
I have been busting my tail for over the last couple months to attempt to get a magazine to come and see the festivities.This year I have succeeded and the newest diesel magazine to hit the stands will be in attendence."Diesel World" will be sending a photographer to shoot the show on Saturday and there may be a chance for someones trucks to get shot for a feature.IF any of the other magazines step up and join us I will drop a note in for all to see but as of this writing no other have even responded to the many emails I have sent to them.

Also a note from me...
Keith is making the cards for the S-N-S and we will need to have all those trucks in one area.I will need someone to help us with the parking of those trucks so we can keep them easy to find for judging.I have checked with Kauffman's and they are ready for us,well sort of anyway,LOL.Poor Dave seems to be having fits with his new diesel truck and may not be able to make any power with it,LOL.......Andy

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