I don't know if any of you are aware of this, but the guys on another site have put together a NorCal Powerstrokes Club. First of it's kind as far as we know. Well I know this is last minute, but we are getting together for the first time this sunday. It would be great to see some of you guys and your rigs. I hope I don't get in trouble for this but instead of typing everything out and getting things messed up, http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB22&Number=2956833&fpart=5&PHPSESSID=cd4791c70b247fc0eddf3e8d3ea97bec#Post2996055
If that link gets removed, then look at the events page on TDS for info. (I was told that saying TDS was OK here)
Here is the first post by the guy who is starting this all:
"As many of the Nor Cal guys have been following the "club" post. This is for the BBQ. The Party is on the 20th of August starting at 1PM. It will be at Oak Grove Regional Park. I will be providing everything but the booze. I will have a bounce house for the kids."
I think it's somewhere up by Sacramento
It's sort of a pot luck. So far we have about 50 people coming and some pretty baddass trucks. Including a Platinum Super Duty on floats and a 509hp OBS rig.
Call me if you have any more questions 510.684.1978
If that link gets removed, then look at the events page on TDS for info. (I was told that saying TDS was OK here)
Here is the first post by the guy who is starting this all:
"As many of the Nor Cal guys have been following the "club" post. This is for the BBQ. The Party is on the 20th of August starting at 1PM. It will be at Oak Grove Regional Park. I will be providing everything but the booze. I will have a bounce house for the kids."
I think it's somewhere up by Sacramento
It's sort of a pot luck. So far we have about 50 people coming and some pretty baddass trucks. Including a Platinum Super Duty on floats and a 509hp OBS rig.
Call me if you have any more questions 510.684.1978