I stopped in town today to have a special somethin made for Antonio-popcorn . the guy that owns the shop has a 2000 model psd and we chatted for a bit. I told him about the rally, and we talked about the 03 6.0's, and his buddy that had one that got bought back, and how the dealership in Gainesville got 4 of the very first 6.0's, one blew up after 200 miles, another blew up in the shop, and Ford came down and took them all back to Detroit. He then went on about another freind of his that was an engineer at Ford for the powerstrokes. He said his buddy quit a while back because of constant arguements about which way Ford should go in the future. The were dead set on a camless diesel, and this engineer was dead set against it. He said Ford wanted to lighten the trucks and make them more effecient. he argued til the end of his employment that it shouldn't be done on a "workhorse" maybe a 50mpg car, but not a working engine. Ford evidently has tons of time and money invested in this, and they are not looking back..........That was the end of my conversation today.......-popcorn -popcorn -popcorn