the trip from hell and why i love my psd


SDD Junior Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Eastern mass
So this weekend me and my girlfriend my buddy and his girlfriend were heading up to a campground for a weekend camping trip. I had my 03 350 hooked on to my parents 32' cougar travel trailer and my buddy had his dads 03 duramax hooked onto his parents 28' coachman lite. so friday after work we meet at the gas station to top off on fuel and get on the highway. now i dont now if he was nervous or something but we get on the highway and i pick up speed to around 70 mph. i look in my mirrors and he is gone i call him in the cb nothing. so i slow down and he catches up and then after a while we are moving alone at 70 and he is finaly keepeing up. we exit the highway and he is in front of me now we get into the first hill and i lay into the
stroker to start up the hill next thing you know my he slows way down and i back out of the throttle and slam on my brakes to keep from slaming into him. he pulls over and i pull up behind him and i get out and look on the ground tranny fluid everwere. look under the truck it has to be the tourque converter. so i say to him drop the trailer the campground is 10 miles up the road ill go drop mine there and come back for yours and leave him with instructions to call a tow truck. come back 30 mins later and the truck is still sitting there and he hasent dropped the trailer yet or called the tow truck so at this point i am beyond mad. i go and grab the 10' of tow chain i keep in the truck and hook it to the front of his truck and to the back of mine. he looks at me and says "HA like your ***** ford could tow my chevy" i gave him the death stare and jump in the truck and fire it up put the chip in tow mode and stomp on it blowing black smoke all over him and hauling his truck and trailer up the rest of the hill and into an empty parking lot. get out and just look at him and say lets see your chevy do that. i wish i got a picture but i didnt have my camera, the front of his truck (which is white by the way) was covered with soot and i was laughin so hard i thought i was gonna pee my pants. a couple of old timers that were sitting watching this whole ordeal go down come over and said to me that is one bad ***** truck son and looks at my buddy and says i bet you wount be calling it a ***** ford anymore and they laugh and walk away. after that the weekend got much better the weather was nice and sunny. it turned out the truck didnt blow the tourqe converter it just blew a bunch of trans lines for some reason? sorry for the long post but i was very proud of my truck after that lol and will never underestimate the power of my truck again


Full Access Member
Feb 11, 2006
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jto89 Loved your story, I sent you a private message....


Jan 14, 2007
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Cook Station, Mo
yeah we definitely don't get any respect.... if you're a ford guy don't go to truck pulls... as we all know.... it is mostly cummins... and starting to get more duramax's.... but if you sit there and watch you better be calm cause you'll hear it all.....

I went to a pull the other day and when i left i was following 2 big dodges and one good looking ford (they were all traveling together) i followed the haze of smoke about 10 miles to my home town where they pulled into a gas station... i pulled up next to the ford and started talking to him about his truck... we talked for awhile and when i left i told him i would show him what good tuning (my SCT) good do.... with the him and his buddy in the ford and 2 4door doges full of people looking on... i smashed the go pedal and roasted the tires for a few as i flew away... even i was impressed with how my truck handled.. i guess i had never really floored it from a dead stopped like i did that night.. anyway a couple of my buddies that were at the gas station said the looks I recieved from the people in the dodges was priceless.... i wish i could have saw them but i was too proud to turn around so i headed home.... lets just say i think the kid in the ford might be purchasing an SCT soon..

jto that is a great story! thanks for sharing and don't ever let anyone tell ya that our fords can't run/pull....


SDD Junior Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Eastern mass
stroke that is priceless i wish as bad as you do to see the looks on there faces. after this little ordeal that i had this weekend my friend and his dad who are die hard chevy fans definitly have more respect for the blue oval.


Jan 14, 2007
Reaction score
Cook Station, Mo
stroke that is priceless i wish as bad as you do to see the looks on there faces. after this little ordeal that i had this weekend my friend and his dad who are die hard chevy fans definitly have more respect for the blue oval.

they can disrespect us all they want.... they are just bitter cause we have been on top for so long... :thumbs


Full Access Member
Oct 7, 2007
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We need more stories like these. I always hear and see the PowerStroke getting looked down on. Thanks for posting!!!!:D


Full Access Member
Dec 22, 2005
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Dallas, TX
The PowerStroke always gets looked down on because of low dyno numbers if compared to the other two, but it's also the one most counted on to get the job done. I find it amusing to see that a lot of the high power sled pull Dodge trucks come to a pull riding on a trailer towed by a Ford. In the end, I'll keep my workhorse knowing that I'll get to where i need to get to, often with a smile on my face.

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