when it rains, it comes a down pour


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
if breakin my torqshift yesterday wasn't bad enuff, one of my peterbilts just lost the turbo in western NC.

MAN, i hope this week gets better.

at least i got the wife and kids to hold onto to:D


Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
I had a 99' Freightliner with a 600 hp 3406E and that thing ate turbo's for lunch. I think I put 5 turbos on it in 400,000 miles :( Friggin thing about broke me. The newer Cat engines seem to be having trouble with the turbos falling off and the rocker arms breaking. I ran a 06' model C15 from about March until September and in 70K the upper turbo fell of twice and it got towed in for a rocker once. There are several trucks that get towed in off the haul road every week for broken rockers. Cat has a real problem on there hand that they need to address.

I am now running a 06' Pete with a ISX 565 and even though I have never been a fan of the Cummins this thing is awesome. It will outpull any 600 Cat on the road and run right with a 625. The 565 is actually rated at 587 and I know it is putting out at least that much. Best of all it doesn't care what you put in it as far as fuel goes. #1, #2 or low sulfur and it just runs, the Cats we have fall on there face with anything but #2. I have only put about 30K on it in the last couple of months but so far it seems to be holding up. They did have a problem with the fan hub failing but I hope the update fixes that, time will tell.

If you are in the market for a new truck anytime soon Cummins seems to have a better handle on building a good engine that meets the new emission standards than Cat does. Cat seems to have fallen behind in the last year. Six months ago you could not have talked me into anything but a Cat but now I would kill for a ISX. I ran a 02' ISX for a few years and it was junk but these new ones rock :sweet

Did you get your yeller one back on the road yet?


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
my driver actually had some good friends of ours that picked him up and brought him home to AL. he went to birmingham today and picked a new turbo.

we bought it at the freightliner place, get this, and i already knew it. freightliner buys the turbo from CAT and resales it to me, CHEAPER than if i went to CAT and bought it from them.

i just don't get it. total cost was alittle over 1800.00 for the turbo, seals, O-rings, gaskets, bolts and nuts.

so my driver is gonna drive back upto NC and put the turbo on and then drive it back home.

when he gets back, i am actually gonna try to sell the truck and trailer, and use the money to keep the business afloat and pay off some long overdue bills.

trucking business is very slow right now.


I work with waste
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
SE Michigan
I dont want to admit it but I think cummins will pull through in 07 with new emmisions. All our heavy trucks have CATs and they have been the only motor trusted for the VACTOR sewer cleaners. My dad is a sales man for Jack Doheny Supplies, the worlds largest vactor dealer, and vactor is leaning towards the cummins in 07. It all depends on what will happen by the new standards. Bama I feel your hurt the sewer buisiness is slow too. We are so slow guys are cleaning the shop and going home at lunch. People are not plugging their toilets any more unfortunatly.


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
fordtrucker4life! said:
Bama I feel your hurt the sewer buisiness is slow too. We are so slow guys are cleaning the shop and going home at lunch. People are not plugging their toilets any more unfortunatly.

thats krappy fordtrucker :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao

yep, been sittin here in the office all morning and the phone has rang only like 4 times.

dealers are not buying right now, prices are too high at the auctions, drivers wantin to stay home more during the holidays, trucks breaking down.

its tough, but it will get better, i will be glad when the new year arrives.

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