I tried searching this, and found a few cases of individuals who have a front end that whines at speed in 4x4.
Symptoms with the truck, the truck being a 6.0l 2005 250. When in 4x4 and after goosing it or accelerating quickly, the front end whines, when the throttle is taken off it stops, and it does not continue until the acceleration begins again. Only quick acceleration. Any ideas? 2 wheel drive is fine, no sound issues. No visible wear, haven't checked the ball joints yet but would love to have ideas ran by for things to check or people who have had the same issue before. Thanks for the help.
Symptoms with the truck, the truck being a 6.0l 2005 250. When in 4x4 and after goosing it or accelerating quickly, the front end whines, when the throttle is taken off it stops, and it does not continue until the acceleration begins again. Only quick acceleration. Any ideas? 2 wheel drive is fine, no sound issues. No visible wear, haven't checked the ball joints yet but would love to have ideas ran by for things to check or people who have had the same issue before. Thanks for the help.