2011 SuperDuty


SDD Senior Member
May 31, 2005
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Ukiah, California
Try running it in a truck that is years older than your NEW truck. It will clean out your tank and fuel system, leading to a clogged filter. These are not stories.

Dave :)


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
You clearly didn't notice but my "new" truck is 13 years old. It is no where near as common as reported. I know many people who run very high concentrations with no clogs. Unless you have empirical data proving your point, stop perpetuating myths.


Full Access Member
Sep 24, 2009
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puyallup wa
You clearly didn't notice but my "new" truck is 13 years old. It is no where near as common as reported. I know many people who run very high concentrations with no clogs. Unless you have empirical data proving your point, stop perpetuating myths.

That was the point of my statement, your truck is 13 years old and has none of the emissions that the new trucks have, as I stated, manual says no more then a 7% blend, you should be able to run french fry grease and thats my point, the new trucks can't. And I do have a few friends that have new trucks, Ford, Chevy and Dodge, although the Dodge we don't talk about alot, these guys started running B20 from a station that is local to there area, it was cheaper so they all ran it for a few months, then they all ended up in the shop because of it, glad it was out of my way. And this is a true story, my truck and theres are not set up to run B20. It is not a myth, your talking two different systems between your truck and mine.


Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Southern Minnesota
I've run up to B-20 in my 6.0 with no problems and a freind runs B-99 all summer in a 06 he has. My 01 7.3 had 150k before I ran bio and had no issues with filters running B-20 to B-99. As far as new trucks and Minnesota Bio I would say thats between the state and Ford if there is an issue related to fuel.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
That was the point of my statement, your truck is 13 years old and has none of the emissions that the new trucks have, as I stated, manual says no more then a 7% blend, you should be able to run french fry grease and thats my point, the new trucks can't. And I do have a few friends that have new trucks, Ford, Chevy and Dodge, although the Dodge we don't talk about alot, these guys started running B20 from a station that is local to there area, it was cheaper so they all ran it for a few months, then they all ended up in the shop because of it, glad it was out of my way. And this is a true story, my truck and theres [sic] are not set up to run B20. It is not a myth, your [sic] talking two different systems between your truck and mine.

Not only was I talking about 2 different systems, I was talking about an entirely different issue. That being whether the common misconception about sudden clogging of filters is true or not. I never addressed the issue of piezo electric injectors or emissions equipment and biodiesel. But, since you believe I did, I will. The emissions components do not enter into the equation. No fuel is going through them, only exhaust. The trucks that have had problems more likely had problems with injectors but not the emissions.
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Full Access Member
Sep 24, 2009
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puyallup wa
Sorry, your right and I am wrong, I only know what has happened in my friends new trucks, my one friend with his 2002 7.3l runs anything and has no problems as you have. Know another person that has a truck about the same year as yours, he started buying from a guy that was making his own, it pluged his filter the first tank and has no problems after that, except that his exhaust almost smell like french fries. Myth or not to you, I have seen both sides. My question to you is, if there is no difference in fuel, as you state, why the difference in what can be run in the different year trucks. If fuel is same then injectors have nothing to do with anything. The friends I were talking about earlier that went to the shop, one had just filter problems ( the dodge) the other two, one ford and one chevy, both 2008"s had filter problems and cat problems, two different dealers, both told them it was
the B20. Thats all I know, If you know more than what I have seen please help me because I am jealous of my buddies 02 and your truck, there alot more simplier and less computers running them.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Im not sure we're both on the same line. There are differences in the fuel according to what kind of feed stock is used to make it and how it is processed. So, there is a huge range of quality, or lack of it. Bad fuel will cause all kinds of problems. One very common issue with bio is water and that screws everything up. In the 2008 model, the injectors went to piezo electric rather than the HEUI style I have in my 7.3. Im not certain what injectors went into the 6.0 but it also seems to accept bio (good bio that is) without complaint. The piezos have a very low tolerance for fuel variations and I would not be comfortable running much in them. Other than that, I have not had any information on problems created by the bio. If your truck is the new one, I would agree not to run it but for injector reasons rather than filter or cat/dpf. Dealers are notorious for blaming fuel because it relieves them of any responsibility for warranty work.

My original response to Dave was not to totally dispute some filter clogging but, rather, to point out that the warnings are over stated. The occurrence rate of sudden clogs that require a filter replaced on the side of the road is simply minuscule. Im sure it may have happened but the fear caused by these constant unfounded warnings is a little ridiculous. I ran B100 when I could get it and checked my filters weekly because of the warnings and there was nothing there. Same result for most people I have talked to and know that run it. I also periodically work with a nearby bio producer and he will tell you the same thing.

I understand the jealousy. However, if Congress does not revive the 1$/gallon credit, no one will be running bio that they do not make themselves. I bet even those states mandating the blend will revisit their law if it doesn't come back.

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