Glow plug R/R


Full Access Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Ya calling the wife and kids an interruption :eek: :tounge :tounge :thumbs

Thanks for changing em ya big galoot :sweet :sweet

Was suprised at how clean the plugs were, figured they would have been lots crustier and nastier after 10 years. Guess the diesel additive might have something to do with this.

Yep--he got new plugs today. ;) Start-to-finish, the R/R took just a tick under four hours for plugs, UVC harnesses, and a new GPR but there were a lot of interrruptions so if I had to do it again and could work continuously, I could probably have the whole thing done in 3 hrs. or so. I ended up using a piece of 7/16" hose since that fit best over the hex-shaped area of the plug and that trick worked VERY well. Fortunately, the plug ends hadn't mushroomed very much and they all came out easily so my major fear re: this job never panned out and so he should be good for another 10 years now.:D


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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In a van down by the river...
Ya calling the wife and kids an interruption :eek: :tounge :tounge :thumbs

Thanks for changing em ya big galoot :sweet :sweet

Was suprised at how clean the plugs were, figured they would have been lots crustier and nastier after 10 years. Guess the diesel additive might have something to do with this.

They were an interruption, but a welcome one since (1) Teddy got to see some new people (he hasn't seen them in the last ten minutes, so they're completely new to him) and (2) my back needed a break--I'll be one achy sob tomorrow. Meehan's wife, on the other hand, was annoying since she doesn't know how to work the MinitorV she has and I didn't feel like chitchatting with her to figure it out. -mad

No problem--now I have an idea what to expect when I have to change out my GP's (when they go bad--doing that just for grins would be silly).

I was happy how easily they came out as well--I figured that after 10 years they'd have mushroomed out and been a bear to remove but I really had no problems removing them.
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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In a van down by the river...
...(wanted to eat at the chinese buffet, but it was packed, so went to Old Chicago & was rather disappointed they don't have the lunch buffet or warm cookie with your bill) I had a truck that will start :D :D :D

Forecast is for 15 tonight, will see how she does in the AM :thumbs :thumbs unless I get called in as I'm on call tonight :oops: :oops:

We went to Old Chicago too and it was kind of disappointing, in addition to being EXTREMELY LOUD. Maggie said something funny about the pizza there--she said: "The dough is like Pizza Hut and the sauce is like Pizza Hut too, but with less flavor". I don't know if I'll be going back, since Mondello's is cheaper and has better food.

If you still have trouble starting, the next thing I'd look at is the batteries--I don't know how old yours are, but mine got really finicky once they were a couple years old.


Full Access Member
Apr 21, 2005
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The Girls loved playing with Mr Ted, to bad they did not take Misty :D :D

Want me to bring some flexeril to work with me :oops:

Meehan's wife was up there eh, he's a tool, but she's not bad when he's not around. However, she left Wed night before being told how to use the pager & the "rules" dealing with responding. Guess people who think they know everything don't :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao

Have not been to Mondello's is a looooooong time, but Moose said they had a down right tasty cheese steak & figure sooner or later I'll give em a try as Moose knows his food :eek: -popcorn -popcorn -popcorn

Batteries are about 2 or 3 years old I think & have never had a problem cranking & cranking till I grind em down when the truck does not want to start.


Full Access Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Oh well, it's bed time as I've got to actually work tomorrow instead of driving the company car to Casper :( :( :( :(

However, I see another trip to Casper middle to late next week in my future, the 2nd person I was to take up there today was in surgery & somehow me thinks it would have been bad form to go into the OR and take her :roflmao :roflmao