How much Mod should I do?


Full Access Member
Jun 14, 2005
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South Central , KY
I really like this site. Would like to see more activity, as I have a lot of catching up to do. As you can see by my signature line I have not made a lot of changes to my 95 PSD. It is my daily driver and that's basicly what it is. There may be 5-10% of miles towing 10,000 to 15,000#. I am sure rear end and tranny are getting a lot of wear and engine will be needing some work sooner or later. I would like to up the performance and MPG, but I don't need to do any thing that may shorten life of truck, it's been a good one. What does everybody suggest?


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy

Even though you are at 325K on the truck, if you have done any kind of responsible maintenance to the truck I would say that you have quite abit of engine life and rear end life left, the tranny may be another story altogether though.

But if your truck is bone stock as you say it is you could start with the dime store mods. Do the open air intake, downpipe, 10K mod and shim the FPR. I would recommend a set of guages as well to monitor boost, EGT's and trans temp. Then if you are still wanting a little more, go with one of the programmers on the market now. Your mileage should improve with each mod you do, not significantly, but all added up you can realize probably a 2 mpg gain over stock. Another mod I have been following closely right now is the removal of the fan. That will gain you some mpg's as well. I havent stepped up and pulled mine yet, I am still watching and waiting for the full results from those that have. I dont like being a beta tester for stuff like this.

Now with 325K on the engine, I can say your injectors are probably very near the end of thier life expectancy. If you wanted to, you could go with a set of modified injectors and a good multi position chip and if driven properly, your mpg's will benefit. But your tranny will not stand up to it so.............. that may not be a direction you want to go.

These are just a few ideas to get you going, take some time and read the WIKI here (link at the very top right corner of this page) and see how some of these mods are done and what you can expect.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
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threejacks said:
I really like this site. Would like to see more activity, as I have a lot of catching up to do. As you can see by my signature line I have not made a lot of changes to my 95 PSD. It is my daily driver and that's basicly what it is. There may be 5-10% of miles towing 10,000 to 15,000#. I am sure rear end and tranny are getting a lot of wear and engine will be needing some work sooner or later. I would like to up the performance and MPG, but I don't need to do any thing that may shorten life of truck, it's been a good one. What does everybody suggest?
A couple of the first things I normally do is upgrade the intake filtration and exhaust. :sweet

For heavy towing I'd upgrade the transmission valve body for crisper shifting and possibly put in a better torque converter :cowboy:

There's alot more to do but one step at a time in the right direction ;) :)



Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Redding, CA
What Stroker and CHP said.

I will repeat though get gauges before you do anything to add power(chip/programmers).



Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Once again guages are what will save the engine when you add more power. The transmission is the expensive weak link in these trucks and since you tow that trans temp guage will confirm that you more than likely need some additional trans cooling.

The open air intake will accomplish 2 things 1 allow the engine to breathe better and prevent possible sealing problems with the stock air box, these sealing problems were quite frequent and easy to happen especially if your airbox hasn't been updated to the metal hold down bolts.

The FPR (fuel pressure regulator) shimming increases the fuel pressure to what the pressure that ford used for the california splitshot trucks that ran a mechanical fuel pump. The downside to this mod is that most of the guys who have done it on higher mileage trucks have reported that shortly after they had a failure of the fuel pump. I know mine began leaking from the weep holes within 8k with aprox 160k on the pump.

The downpipe is one of the 2 great restrictions in the exhaust system of the old body style trucks the pipe is flattened and provides for poor air flow. Replacements are 3" pipe and cost around 100-140 depending on where you purchase it from. Mine's from DPPI and I'm very pleased with how it installed and since I wasn't doing an entire exhaust it bolted right up to the catalytic converter. If you're replacing the entire system there are downpipes that enlarge once passing the pinch weld of the body to 3.5 or 4". In 99% of the trucks you have to bend the pinch weld for clearance and in some cases the actual floorboard to install the downpipe. The Cat is the 2nd big restriction. some opt to remove it all together others choose to remove the internals leaving the external appearance of a cat for visual emissions inspections. The stock muffler on the OBS Trucks is a straight through design and is acceptably efficent as evidence I offer that Banks does not replace the muffler in their power pack for this truck. If you're looking for moderate increase in power the stock exhaust from the cat back is acceptable if you want lots and lots of power a 4 or 5" system from the cat back would be recommended

The tranny if it's the original and hasn't been rebuilt you have made it far longer than most expect of an E4OD if it's a stock rebuild then more than likely it won't last very long on even slightly increased power. The transmissions can be helped with a shift kit the transgo tugger kit has worked well for many or some have chosen to replace the valve body to improve the shift characteristics with a Factory tech valve body To use this valve body you MUST have a chip that does not modify any transmission perameters which most do by default. The all out option is to get a built transmisson such as BTS or a Monster box which gives you distribution and warranty through the jasper engine & transmission network.

As 95 stroker mentioned the injectors are more than likely on the last leg of their life I can say that mine @ 160 had some problems internaly as well as the stock o-rings were falling apart. If your fuel filter is black then your o-rings are failing and you need to replace them at least. You can get the injectors cleaned inspected and rebuilt to stock at BDP or a set of mildly modified injectors for a resonable price. Either the tranny savers or the stage 1 injectors will function as a stock injector until you add a chip then they have the potential to deliver more fuel.

As far as increasing mileage of the trucks contact Jody Tipton and tell him that you are looking for an economy burn on a chip. The intake and exhaust modifications will help maximize the benefits here by allowing the engine to breathe easier.
Last edited:


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy

Excellent post with the links provided!!!!!!!!!!!!


One thing none of us have mentioned yet is an aftermarket tranny cooler. The stock trans cooler on the early PSD's are a joke. Get yourself a GOOD aftermarket tranny cooler to put on there. I run a Tru-cool 4590 stacked plate cooler, they are more efficient than the single pass tube and fin style coolers and have a lower pressure drop across them. Tru cool also has a larger cooler, model # 4739. Either one is a good choice, but do your tranny a favor and get rid of the stock cooler.


Full Access Member
Jun 14, 2005
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South Central , KY
Thanks for all of your replies. Most of all your responses I am familiar with, but I only heard about the fan in this forum a few days ago. What all do you take off? Is it a simple procedure? As for as past service for my truck it has been serviced at every 5000 miles since day one. Sometime a little over, but rarely over 5500 miles. Fuel filter about every third oil change. This truck has been a good one for me so I don't want to do anything major that might mess up a good thing. I have already talked to Bean's about replacing the injectors and while he is at it replacing glow plugs (none have ever been replaced). I did have a few slow starts this past winter.


Apr 30, 2005
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Southern Minnesota
95_stroker said:

Even though you are at 325K on the truck, if you have done any kind of responsible maintenance to the truck I would say that you have quite abit of engine life and rear end life left, the tranny may be another story altogether though.

But if your truck is bone stock as you say it is you could start with the dime store mods. Do the open air intake, downpipe, 10K mod and shim the FPR. I would recommend a set of guages as well to monitor boost, EGT's and trans temp. Then if you are still wanting a little more, go with one of the programmers on the market now. Your mileage should improve with each mod you do, not significantly, but all added up you can realize probably a 2 mpg gain over stock. Another mod I have been following closely right now is the removal of the fan. That will gain you some mpg's as well. I havent stepped up and pulled mine yet, I am still watching and waiting for the full results from those that have. I dont like being a beta tester for stuff like this.

Now with 325K on the engine, I can say your injectors are probably very near the end of thier life expectancy. If you wanted to, you could go with a set of modified injectors and a good multi position chip and if driven properly, your mpg's will benefit. But your tranny will not stand up to it so.............. that may not be a direction you want to go.

These are just a few ideas to get you going, take some time and read the WIKI here (link at the very top right corner of this page) and see how some of these mods are done and what you can expect.
Stroker I have never seen anything on removeing the fan on our trucks. Can you give me some info on the type of fan being used (cfm and blade dia.) Sounds like something I could do with stuff I have laying around. Need more mpg.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy
Heres what I know about the fan removal so far guys.

Depending on geographical location............ we flat dont need the fan in the winter time. And for the most part (unless towing) you dont need it at highway speeds in the summer. Where you do need it is in town for stop and go traffic and mostly to keep air moving across the tranny cooler. One of the guys is playing with the VSS switch right now, hes got it hooked to a relay and he is actuating a light bulb with it.... ie; speed drops below "X" mph and the light fires. His idea is that he would take that signal to an electric fan, when he is putting around the fan would have juice, once up to highway speeds the fan would not be active. I have been contemplating an electric fan that is straight up on a switch in the cab controlled by me (or possibly a temp switch off the tranny). You wouldnt need to run it in the winter at all and only when towing in the summer or in stop and go traffic, which I rarely drive in where I live.

This fellow removed his fan and reported a .8 mpg gain in efficiency. He lives in the central valley in California, so I was waiting to see how he fares this summer cuz it gets hotter than hades out there this time of year. If his experiment is a success I will remove my fan this fall and then spend the winter months locating and fabing up an electric unit and control scheme. I think something in the 18" and 5000 cfm range is adequate. But I am still eagerly watching the testing...........

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