off road diesel


Wrench Head
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Yardley, PA
The sulphur contents do vary a little sometime, but its not really a published number. The only thing the EPA cared about up until 2000 was big trucks, and that when low sulphur diesel came out. Off road diesel for Cat equipment and stuff had a couple more years to fully comply, so it was touch and go with the lower sulphur. Now, for 2007, ultra low sulphur, 15ppm instead of 500ppm is mandated and will be carried at station. Apparently new vehicles cant run the 500ppm because it clogs their exhaust "filter". A great smog device i might add. Cat and everyone else still has until 2010 to comply, so off road still might be touch and go. It depends alot on your area of the country and climate. Parts of the country use heating fuel predominately, which is the same thing. up until the new 2007 vehicles come out, nothing prior will be hurt by using higher sulphur diesel, so who cares. Suplhur is the lubrication in your fuel. Leads you to believe that by running the new 15ppm fuel might actually hurt your truck. The red dye does stay for a long time. If you are going to use it, you might want to consider sumping your fuel tank and putting in a drain. Locally, I see no problem with it. You know your area. Driving far away, I'd say not to do it. It pays for me to buy the higher price fuel so I can write it off as a business exspense. But I'm buying a TDI Jetta for the lady and that will be heating oil all the time!


Mark Oomkes

SDD Junior Member
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
I haven't seen it, but I know someone who has that I trust, they don't need to dip tanks anymore, there is something like a radar gun that 'sees' the dye in the emissions. Just aim it at trucks going by and it will register. The guy that did see it is a heavy truck mechanic that performs repairs at the weigh stations when trucks won't pass an inspection, the motor carrier guys showed it to him.

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