Pictures of Antarctica


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Mike, I was going to ask about the Today crew, but someone already asked. They were showing the temp down there and when Matt Lauer was at the North Pole. The South Pole was showing 3 degees F and the North Pole was at 10 degrees F. I think they were both "overdoing" the reason they were there. Matt Lauer was making a big deal about a glacier that had broken up in the day or so that he was there. Well, I'm sure it was a little chunk of ice that was about to break up anyway. Take care of yourself there and keep the pictures coming our way!!!!!!


Its my side of the garage
Oct 1, 2007
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McKinney, TX
Mike, I saw that NBC (Today Show) was just down there. Where they by you? I can't imagine that there would be a lot of outposts for them to visit. They spent the week talking about Global Warming, and the human impact.

What is the Scientific consensus amongst you and your peers? I apologize for the thread hi-jack! Just curious...

Mike K

يساعد المعركة لحرية
Oct 23, 2005
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Baghdad International Airport
I think they were both "overdoing" the reason they were there. Matt Lauer was making a big deal about a glacier that had broken up in the day or so that he was there. Well, I'm sure it was a little chunk of ice that was about to break up anyway.

Right, this time of year the ice/snow is starting to melt anyway. While it may still be well below freezing it is also a whole lot warmer then the winter months making the snow/ice weaker = ice breaks off. It even got warm enough the other day that the snow and ice were melting just from the sun but then again, its spring here with summer just around the corner so that is to be expected.

Mike, I saw that NBC (Today Show) was just down there. Where they by you? I can't imagine that there would be a lot of outposts for them to visit. They spent the week talking about Global Warming, and the human impact.

Yeah they were based out of McMurdo (where I am right now) and I even seen them walking around from place to place with their cameras in hand (not filming). Ann Curry (is that her name) and the Today's show paid for an open bar durrnig the middle of the week, but i work night shift so i couldnt go.

I will have to be honest though, I haven’t seen the seen the show and it is taking FOREVER to download on YouTube. Tonight is my night off (I get 1 day off a week) and plan on downloading it and watching it.

And actually there are a LOT of post for them to visit. It seems like every day i hear about a new one - mostly because one of the beakers (aka scientists) broke a vehicle and we have to fly out to fix it :doh:

What is the scientific consensus amongst you and your peers? I apologize for the thread hi-jack! Just curious...

I would highly recommend Michael Crichton's book State of Fear, it’s a fiction book but Mr. Crichton likes to take a lot of facts and make a story. At the end of a lot of his books (especially his most recent ones) he lists pages and pages of sources where he got all of his factual information. State of Fear is about global warming, Next (his most recent book) is about genetics, Timeline is about some quantum physics time travel, etc. That and he is just a great writer. State of Fear: Books: Michael Crichton

But to answer your question, the earth's temperature has always been changing. We know that but we have only been gathering detailed weather information for lets say 100 years (i think it is less then that) and the earth is how old? Hell man has only inhabited this earth for 5,000-7,000 years, which is miniscule when compared to the age of the earth. Who are we to say that the earth is warming beyond normal, we don’t even know what normal is.

Obviously pollution and its effects on the environment should be brought up. While I agree that steps to some degree should be made to clean up large cities I really think it is getting blown out of proportion.

Lets add this for food for thought: the only way to get fuel from McMurod to the south pole is by plane, the plane can hold 3,800 gal of fuel but burns 4,000 going to and from the south pole.

That is just my opinion and I am pretty sure everyone here would agree. Maybe I will bring it up sometime.

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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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But to answer your question, the earth's temperature has always been changing. We know that but we have only been gathering detailed weather information for lets say 100 years (i think it is less then that) and the earth is how old? Hell man has only inhabited this earth for 5,000-7,000 years, which is miniscule when compared to the age of the earth. Who are we to say that the earth is warming beyond normal, we don’t even know what normal is.

Obviously pollution and its effects on the environment should be brought up. While I agree that steps to some degree should be made to clean up large cities I really think it is getting blown out of proportion.

Lets add this for food for thought: the only way to get fuel from McMurod to the south pole is by plane, the plane can hold 3,800 gal of fuel but burns 4,000 going to and from the south pole.

That is just my opinion and I am pretty sure everyone here would agree. Maybe I will bring it up sometime.


You've said it ALL Mike, and Very Well. I think your opinion is shared by many of us: Common Folk.

With current world events being what they are, most of it has become The Mundane.. Same Ol' Stuff.

The Mega Media needs something sustainable. Something with a "Chicken Little" effect to it. Reporting on the Good things the Human Race is doing, or has done.. Won't do it. Those issues are just "Fillers" to get to the next Commercial Break. Good News, doesn't sell Air Time or Newsprint.

Mother Earth is, As you said, going into a cycle. A cycle she has gone through Thousands of times for Millions of years.

Things Change. Change is inevitable. Our ability to deal with Change.. is directly connected to our attitude toward it. (someone said that)

I think We, as visitors on this planet need to, and must change the negative things we do that affect our living environment.

But the Sky Is NOT falling.;) :roflmao

On the burning 4000 gallons to get 3800 to the Pole.. When I left the Ice, there was some talk 'bout "Traversing" to the Pole (again). Is that still alive ?
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Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
From what I remember and have heard, the tree huggers were worried about global COOLING about 30 years ago. Some of them, like Al Gore, have a "do as I say and not as I do" attitude, wanting us to conserve, drive compact cars, while they fly in their big private jets and live their lives of luxury. I have read the Crichton boot, and it's pretty interesting.

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