Tranny Fluid Prices


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Changing ATF in a '99-up SuperDuty

1. Things you need to get started:
a. The transmission system holds almost 18 quarts of ATF, and you must waste a couple of quarts to be sure you get it all purged and replaced, so buy 20 quarts of MERCON ATF (do NOT buy MERCON V!). Ford also warns against using a fluid that has a dual MERCON and MERCON V rating. You may use either conventional or synthetic, as long as it meets the above requirements.
b. A 10 foot length of clear tubing and one hose clamp, sized to fit over your cooler hose. There have been different size cooler lines over the years, so check before buying!
c. If you don't already have a special funnel that fits into the transmission dipstick tube, then you will need one of those, too.
2. Drain the pan, then replace and tighten the drain plug.
3. Pour 7 quarts of new ATF into the filler [dipstick] tube.
4. Disconnect the transmission-fluid return line at the transmission - from where the ATF returns to the transmission from the cooler. This is the line towards the rear of the transmission. Clamp the clear tubing over the line that you removed from the transmission. This is where the old ATF from the torque convertor and coolers will come out.
5. This is where the second person comes in handy. One person starts the engine, while the other holds the line over the drain bucket. A clothes pin can replace the person holding the line in the bucket.
a. Run the engine until you see some air in the clear tubing. As soon as you see air shut off the engine.
b. While the engine is running in step 5a above, move the shifter through each position from P to 1, pausing about 5 seconds at each position. This will change some fluid that would otherwise be trapped in the valve body, accumulators, and clutches.
c. Refill through the dipstick tube with 6 quarts of new ATF. (That's 13 quarts total so far).
6. Repeat steps 5a and 5c. (That's 19 quarts total so far).
7. Remove the clear line and reconnect the cooler line to the transmission.
8. Check the fluid level and use the last quart of ATF to top off.
9. Properly dispose of the used transmission fluid.


Reclamation Specialist
Apr 7, 2005
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Ft. Campbell, KY
Snowman269 said:
Otherwise I'd put a drain in it.

Hmmm.. Do you mean you have a CNC/special machine to put the drain in the T/C, then balance it? May not be a big deal :dunno , just seems it probably was originaly balanced and at the speed it rotates, that may mess up some stuff. Not to mention the potential contamination from metal shavings.

Ford_Forgotten, seems I recall that the tranny was to be up to operating temp :confused: or was that a different proceedure. :cowboy:


SDD Junior Member
May 11, 2005
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Ford_Forgotton, thanks for the detailed instructions. Unfortunately, the parts supply store only had 6 qts of Mobil 1 Dextron III/ Mercon (not the V) in stock so I had to order the rest. I am ordering 18 more quarts for a total of 24 quarts since my new PML aluminum oil pan increases the amount by 3.5 qts. Price was $5.99 qt. Well, since I cannot change the transmission fluid, I will go out and mount the T/C lockout switch.

By the way, has anybody else out there ever seen one of these PML Aluminum oil pans? They are absolutely gorgeous!! :thumbs

Thanks Again,

Last edited:


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Our local Autozone had TWO QUARTS!, but 4.99, so a dollar cheaper. Although, we have a TON of autozones, I could almost drive to each one and collect the needed oil one store at a time. Almost be easier to pay the extra 24 bucks to save on having to drive around.

operating temp... hmmm I believe there IS a bypass valve somewhere in the system. I want to say its in one of the tranny coolers tho, and not in the tranny itself. It prolly not a 100% bypass tho, and since your draining your fluid from the RETURN line, your still getting most of the oil out.

Operating temp might make it flow easier tho. Not sure I would worry about it in the 90 degree heat we have right now. I might think different if it were 30 degrees out tho.


SDD Junior Member
May 11, 2005
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This WAS at an Auto Zone!! Checker did not even carry it and Napa is not known for their low prices. We have 2 more auto stores in town, but they are owned by the same people and are also not known for low prices. The Walmart which has about everything in auto lubrication did not carry it either. They do have Mobil 1 engine oil for $19.99 a gallon which I noted, as I am planning on switching over to in the next couple of weeks. Lake Havasu City is not very big and we are not near any metro areas.



Apr 10, 2005
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Goose Creek, SC
chips2000 said:
I am ready to change tranny oil and was checking out the different brands prices. This is for Delco III Mercon. Chevron is $1.89 qt, Valvoline is $2.49 qt and Castrol is $2.99 qt. The difference makes quite an impact on the total bill. I do not mind paying for more expensive oil if I know there is a difference. Does anybody know?



Heres's soemthing for you...It is my opinion and many over at the forums that the Group II+ based Chevron ATF is one of the best ATF's on the market without going to synthetic. In fact, it's "plus" rating of the group II will make it closely rival synthetics. I use it in my 4R100 and recommend it over all the other non-synthetic ATF's. the great thing is, Chevron doesn't charge a premium for it. In fact, if you can find a direct Chevron distributor, you may be able to get it for under $1.20 a quart.



God Bless America
Apr 6, 2005
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Western Michigan
chips2000 said:
This WAS at an Auto Zone!! Checker did not even carry it and Napa is not known for their low prices. We have 2 more auto stores in town, but they are owned by the same people and are also not known for low prices. The Walmart which has about everything in auto lubrication did not carry it either. They do have Mobil 1 engine oil for $19.99 a gallon which I noted, as I am planning on switching over to in the next couple of weeks. Lake Havasu City is not very big and we are not near any metro areas.

I think you will find that gal to actually be 5 qts. It runs about $4.00 a qt at Walmart.


SDD Junior Member
May 11, 2005
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JimmyDee...thats what I meant to say! Thanks.

TheHammer69...Thats what started this whole thread...although our Chevron price is $1.89, (although it could be as low as $1.69 elswhere from what I have since learned). Thanks for the info, but I have already committed myself.




Reclamation Specialist
Apr 7, 2005
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Ft. Campbell, KY
Ford_Forgotton said:
operating temp... hmmm I believe there IS a bypass valve somewhere in the system. I want to say its in one of the tranny coolers tho, and not in the tranny itself. It prolly not a 100% bypass tho, and since your draining your fluid from the RETURN line, your still getting most of the oil out.

Well I can say the by-pass is the pipe "jumpered" between the feed and the return of the tranny fluid. From what I learned from Gregg Evans, he said the fluid kinda "recirculates" until a thermostat like device opens allowing flow past the "jumper" to the coolers. :dunno The reason he and I went over this was his comment on the immenant failure of the tranny should that by-pass valve fail, as many had, and the truck not be equiped with a tranny temp gauge (as the earlier trucks weren't) or an unattentive driver :( Certainly got my attention.

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