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  1. S

    Truck died while driving

    Seems my hpop was weak and I found the oring on the to that goes to the discharge tube was being worn away.
  2. S

    2003 Stand Pipe

    Thought I would update this. The early style standpipes have to be replaced when removed. For whatever reason they stick in there really good and get twisted/bent up being removed.
  3. S

    2003 Stand Pipe

    I was going to remove my stand pipes and replace the orings. When I try to undo the stand pipe it just doesn't feel right, I was expecting it to break loose and then just unscrew. Has anyone had experience removing a 03-04 standpipe? Does it take a lot of tension for a few turns to remove...
  4. S

    Truck died while driving

    Pulled everything out, i can hear the leak out of the hole for the turbo oil return in the hpop cover. So it is probably a leaking STC connection or hpop issue. I just dont want to spend all that money on a hpop and not have it fix the issue
  5. S

    Truck died while driving

    I replaced all my injectors a few months ago because of sticking spool valves. All factory remans with new spool valves. Did this not to long before our hunting trip. After we got back from our trip I scanned codes and had a grey code for injector control pressure to low. IPR was running 85%...
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    Question 6.0 L injectors

    A quick google search, people are saying you can use them in 03 if you change them all out.
  7. S

    Question stuck in 6.0 hell ,

    The exhaust gases are sucked through the egr cooler back into intake, hence exhaust gas recirculation. So yes, if the cooler leaks it can suck coolant into the cylinders. Google 6.0 head gasket test, there are a number of youtube videos that might help you narrow it down. You can replace the...
  8. S

    Question 1 and 3 injector

    It is not that hard. There are some good videos on youtube. I picked up new valve cover gaskets as well when doing them.
  9. S

    Recommendations: Looking for Monitor/Tuning solution

    I think you would just need a in dash unit that runs android. Then you could run torque on it for your gauges and monitoring.
  10. S

    Question Hot Shot's Secret Stiction Eliminator

    I tried RevX, and Stanadyne. Really didn't see any difference. Replacing the injectors is what worked.
  11. S

    Question Injectors

    Accurate Diesel shipped my order the next day. They also refunded my core the same day they got my injectors back. I was happy with their service, so I'll be ordering my other injector\s once I figure out which others are bad.:sweet
  12. S

    Question Injectors

    There seem to be quite a few places to order reman injectors from. I just ordered some injectors from AccurateDiesel. I got the "OEM" remans since they have a new spool valve. I guess I'll see how they work out for me.
  13. S

    Question replacing IPC Sensor

    I know this a old post. Figured I could help any one else needing to replace this on a 03. The icp is located below the turbo on the back top of the motor. Took me 15 minutes to replace. From underneath, reach up above the bell housing and remove the 2 - 10mm bolts and 1 13mm holding a heat...
  14. S

    turbo squeal

    They can be rebuilt, but you need to find a reputable turbo rebuilder. Dealers dont deal with that, they just slap in a new one. The variable vane is on turbine side (exhaust) If it is squeeling the wheel is probably contacting the housing.
  15. S

    Lets see those SuperDuty Trucks!! (OFFICIAL PICTURE THREAD)

    We went up Mill Creek Paid the price for having such a large vehicle, lol. Looked like I went through a carwash made of tree limbs. I had to back up and forth so many times that day to get around trees, it was rediculous.
  16. S

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Its just a local league at Full Rutt archery. We do 3d targets, 2d, and techno hunt. Just trying to make sure I hit a elk and not a tree this year :D
  17. S

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Tuesday I was driving out to a archery match. Truck started shaking worse and worse, and felt like it was being held back. Pulled over and found the driver side front cailper was sticking. MacGyvered it with a piece of wood between the pads, and strapped the capiler down to the leaf spring...
  18. S

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    This weekend I added some new scratches to the truck...... I think they'll all buff out
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    6.0 powestroke newbie power questions

    Personally I wouldnt trust the autometer gauge as far as accuracy (35psi actually being 35psi). It is usefull though for detecting when your boost isnt were it normally is.
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    Brake Change Question.

    Brake fluid is what, like $15 for a decent fluid? I'd flush it out if you dont know that last time it was done.
  21. S

    F250 Super duty 6.0 cold engine miss?

    I had a slight miss and no power, then did the PHP FICM reflash. Now it some times misses heavy and starts billowing black smoke. Had never done that once before the reflash, did it immediately after. I'm not saying the reflash caused the issue, but I think it exacerbated a injector issue.
  22. S

    Truck has issues only towing in cruise control?

    The motor gets quiet because the torque convert is locked up, and when you let off the pedal no fuel is being sprayed in because the pcm is attempting to lower the revs. Its just compression braking, helps with fuel mileage and slowing down.
  23. S

    Replacement Shocks

    I got the Bilstein B6 HD's

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