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    How the heck do you know which one is not working if the batt light comes on in the dash and the batts still have a green eye. I know the green eye is only one cell and the other cells might not be good. Any thoughts?
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    Oil Sample

    Here's 4 oil samples The top is Amsoil 5w30 5500 km 2 is Royal Purple 15w40 8000 km 3 is MC 15w40 5000 km 4 is Texaco Ursa 15w40 5000 km 2 syns and 2 dino's, which is better? All seem pretty close. Just for anyone that was wondering, and if you can figure the chart out
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    Oil Vicosity and idle romp

    :p Iknow this is opening a whole can (and More) of worms but I'm going to ask anyways:burnit I'm curious to know what grade/make of oil people are running in their PS. The reason I ask is I have an 03 with the latest flash, have 45,000 miles on it and I'm ready for another oil change...
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    Stock 03 Air filter

    Anyone having problems with theirs sealing, just got an oil sample back and had a fairly high silicon reading. ?:dunno
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    03 6 l

    Hypothetically, if you had an 03 would you keep it or sell it?:thanks :burnit :hail :o :p :cool: :sweet :thanks :eek: :roflmao -mad -popcorn :thumbs :sorry :dunno :) :canuk :woo
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    latest flash......recall emissions for 03

    Anyways I've lost 3 mpg on the lieometer WTF? Yeah it runs fine but not past the fuel station.............but everything is normal or so they say until I reach my 150000km then I pay..........:dunno
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    Does anyone know of a place San Diego where I could pick up an exhaust kit.?
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    Rough Idle

    So what does one make of this. My truck (march 27 03) has had rough idle while warm, does not do it while the oil pressure is up(cold) but does it while warm (under 20 psi). The idle fluctuates up to 75 rpm sometimes and I can feel the vibration in my foot while stopped(auto). I can also hear...
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    Air Filter

    The gauze type filters do flow 3500 rpm and up. When I first got my 03, I saw a flow chart comparing the Donaldson vs the K&N filter(I think it was KN). They had almost identical flow numbers until 3500 rpm then the K&N flowed more. Seems your paying 300 bucks for a...
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    Massive Boost

    Check this out. I was driving my truck the other day, up a small grade. I was doing the speed limit......40 mph the engine laboured down then down shifted one gear as I was light on the throttle. Then I decide to floor it up the rest of the hill. Well no sooner had I stepped on the...
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    Rumour has it that it will 375 hp:sweet
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    Is the 9145 the same as the 9006 st?
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    Anyone know a dealer in Vancouver, BC, Canada for Mobil Delvac1300?
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    Oil Questions

    Anyone with questions about oil, and the like, should check out , you will be amazed at the info.
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    Oil pressure gauges

    I finally hooked up my oil pressure gauge for a 2003 6.0. If anyone wants to know reply here and I'll post it .
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    Autometer Oil Pressure Guage

    My name is Jon and am new to this site. I have an 03 6.0l and very happy with it so far......minus the minor flash issues. Anyways has anyone installed an engine oil pressure gauge? If so where did you tee into or is it a major pain. The only place I could see that might be easy was where...

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