Banks Bighead


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Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
I have the chance to get a new never used Bighead for $50. is there any real noticable difference from the stock waste gate controller..

Or should i just put it on the shelf incase mine goes out, so i would just save the money then,,

I do live in the cold climates and do like the cycling of the warm up in the winter. so i would like to keep it on and not gut my wastegate :dunno


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Jan 18, 2006
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Get it! $50 is a steal.

I just installed one (paid full price though:rolleyes: ) along with an ATS housing. I previously only reached 21 psi or so tops.... first timg getting on the freeway tonight when test driving it, made it to 28 psi and then it shifted into OD.:burnit The boost builds FAST and strong. I'm sure once I get a chip from Jody to replace the SCMT that it'll be even better.:thumbs I also noticed the truck seems to pull a little more steady... as in, it feels like it pulls hard through the whole powerband... no real low spots like before.

A couple tips - there's a small e-clip that holds the actuator arm onto the wastegate. Use a small sharp 90* pick to remove it. If you don't have one, like me, I used a small nail (for picture hanging, etc) and bent it at the tip to about 90*, then squished it to death in a small pair of vice grips, and used a mirror to see where the backside of the clip was... was able to pull it off using that. It'll fly away and be lost, so get yourself a pack of "Circular Linkage Clips" from NAPA (p/n 7352640). It's like a buck or so for the pack, and comes with a pair of small ones and a pair of big - you'll need one of the big. It slips right over the TOP of the wastegate part, and then pushes to the side and has a little extension on top to hold it in place. You can take it on and off with just your fingertips, if you want to adjust the actuator arm.

Oh, also... when installing the Big Head, when it's first on, adjust the arm so it JUST slips over the wastegate, then take it back off the wastegate, turn it in (shorter) six full turns, then reinstall it on the arm. It'll be real tough to pull across to the wastegate now, so what I did was pressed my air compressor hose against the nipple on the actuator, and it shot the arm across and I just dropped it down onto the wastegate (this was after struggling for 15 minutes to pull it by hand, and scratching my forearms all to hell:( ).

Hope my advice helps you out some. I think you'll like the big head.:cool:


Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
Hey Thanks

Hey Ryan,
Thanks for the imfo, what i did find out is its from a early 99 and mine is late 99. there is a difference in the length of about 1/4 inch. so im going to make my own adjuster for it, I did find out since i dont have a comressor anymore that i can use my hand vacume test pump in reverse just have to make sure i have a good seal,

Iam going to try and put it on today, just wondering what it will be like with the factory turbo..was'nt to interested in aftermarket unless this one departs to turbo heaven, Ill know more when i get a ww for it...ill update this after i get a test drive in...


Full Access Member
Jan 18, 2006
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I think the big head will work okay on your late 99. The reason is that the first half of the rod is a male threaded extension, sort of like the end of a long thin bolt, and then the rest of it threads onto that part. This means it's also adjustable. It has a little stopper nut on it but you can just keep threading the end part on to make it shorter, or thread it on less to make it longer.

Mine is on my stock turbo, but I did add the ATS housing on the compressor side. I think you'll still see a good benefit even on a completely stock turbo, because you can still run up to 25 or a bit more in that configuration and still be right on the edge of the efficiency range. The ATS housing is supposed to shift the design map to higher psi though so I feel comfortable running up to around 30 and being okay on the stock turbo.

Be sure to let us know how the install goes and how it drives afterward. :D


Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
Install up date//

OK I got it installed, the guy i got it from got himself one of the banks kits, the kit does not provide a banks turbo so I do expect some performance or fuel milage benefit from it with the stock turbo..will have to road test later today or tomorrow, wanting to put it on the free way and give a little run and boost test /egt

His truck was purchased in 98. so it for sure an early 99..

There is a difference in lenght, it was to short to reach my wastegate control arm, and it also came with extenders for the bolts on the big head itself...

So it did take a little fab work to make it fit,,

Here is what i did, the extenders dont make any difference without them its still to short, but they do make bolting it on easier,
and the adjustment sleeve was about 3 inches long. so i needed 1.5-2 inches more of travel/

I went to the local hardware store and purchased a peice of galinized pipe,
(5 in..$1.50, 1 tap 5/16-24..$4.20..and the clips at napa..$ my coast was $60.30 for everything...counting found new Big head for $50..)

I drilled the one end of the pipe as deep as i could get it, Then I took my hammer and beat the other end flat as possible then took it to the grinder to bring it down to size wire brushed on wheel then drilled a 7mm hole at 4.5 in.
And Chanfered for stress relief.
Put it on with the extenders And Ajusted for the 6 turns. and done

(Would also like to Thank Ryan again for the clip imfo...they are really so much easier, And I can see the benefits of if i would have to remove it again. grab with needle nose and pop..done with no clip fflying though the air and cussing)

Like I said sorry hav'nt road tested yet,
I did listen to my exhaust and it does sound maybe a little cleaner, (got me wondering if my old wastegate control could have not been shutting all the way, (even at idle) I know there is really no boost at idle but that the turbo does spin, I might have also fixed something without knowing it..

I will for sure be updating this tomorrow evening after i get truck out for the day...just hope i dont get speeding ticket...hehehe...but a test is a test...Ill have all the spec's. Boost/egt/seat of the pants..


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Jan 18, 2006
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Glad you got it to work! I did a little research last night and found out some good info.

I guess there are three models for PSDs:

24391 Big-Head Wastegate Actuator (stock turbine (i.e. exhaust) housing) 99.5-03 7.3L
24392 Big-Head Wastegate Actuator (Banks turbine housing) 99.5-03 7.3L
24390 Big-Head Wastegate Actuator Early 99 7.3L

You needed the 24390 for an early 99, but probably got the 24391 for 99.5+ housing. Nice job getting it to work, though. :D

Those little NAPA clips are nice, indeed. My pack came with four of them, two of the small and two of the big... and I used one of the big. It's got that different design where it drops from the top and then slides over and has that little tab across the top with the end to keep it in place. Much nicer to work with, indeed.

Some info I found out on the stock wastegate... due to its weak design, it actually starts opening partly all the way down at 5 psi! It's a linear device in that it opens partly and then gradually more and more, rather than an all or nothing. Up at 17-19 psi it's opened all the way up.

The Big Head has such a stiff spring that it holds shut fully until it's commanded to open by the PCM, or opens when the boost is finally enough to overpower the spring if no command from the PCM comes (such as, if you didn't plug the red line back into the end of it). Since it holds shut until it's supposed to open, that's why it builds boost quicker, as well as holding it to a higher level. There's no early seepage starting at 5 psi like with the little stock unit.

Anyway, that's what I remember from some reading I did last night. :D I'm definitely happy with mine (and the ATS housing!). :)


Full Access Member
Jan 26, 2006
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Southeast MI
Ok Road test....

This was done with a exhaust that is factory from the Downpipe to the muffler then goes into I believe walker with a 4 inch mandrel bend over axle. Stock air filter , fram.

Usally before The Big head install I was running around between 0- to 5.5 in city and Freeway, with 8 at passing from 70-75, never seeing boost over 21 at WOT.

And now....I took exact reading on my BD-monitor...

In city. 25-30 mph= 0-0.5...real easy on the foot no hurry...
30-40 mph= 0-1.6

Hitting on ramp. 20-65 mph= 6.1 accelerate at reasonable speed

Passing 70-75 mph= 12.0, accelerate jamming on pedal.

Wot 65-90 mph= I hit 27.4 real nice and fast of the pants was great,
Did'nt really feel over fuel condition (bogging) but engine light did come on after backing off, then cleared itself within a 1/2 relief valve is comming soon...

I also noticed that before on freeway at 70 I was using about 1/3 pedel. now its very touchy around 1/2 inch push at 70.

So i guess the work to make the bighead fit was worth it..I have also read about some just turing the adjustment rod in a few turns more then normal setting and feeling benefits..I do believe that to be true, as far as getting better closure on the wastegate..but I dont see if having a small diaphram compared to the large size of the Big head can possibly make it equal...I do believe that from my test run and from watching my fuel gauge from topped off to 149 miles later down the road, Showing more fuel in tank then it did before, without Bighead,(with exception of winter and summer fuel),
I will have to keep a firm track of mileage for the next 3 tank full to see if my Fuel saving belief is true or not...but either way this mod i did makes me smile...and the price was to good to pass...

OK now i Got the itch...ordering airfilter from
cutting off muffler in a few weeks....oh what else is cheap for now...humm...


Full Access Member
Jan 18, 2006
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Nice report, Rick! Looks like you saw basically exactly what I saw.

For the boost regulator, go with one from Dennis at ITP Diesel ( You can see pics of it installed on my truck in my sig, in the Performance Mods album. Previously I didn't need it because my boost didn't go high enough to require it, but since then it has more than once (up to 28 is what I've seen so far with the cruddy SCMT I have) and no SES light, no defueling.

I also believe that you can't get the results you see with the big head by doing any sort of job on the stock wastegate actuator, be that unplugging it, etc.... because you still have the weak spring, that starts to open at just FIVE psi. Really need the stronger spring that'll hold shut until it's supposed to open. :D

Definitely do that homemade tymar! And the muffler delete! :D Both great mods. My cheapo muffler delete is one of my favorite mods so far... the sound is just so addictive.

You can also do the CCV mod... you'll need some hose ($20-30) and a couple clamps, and possibly new o-rings to replace the ones under the CCV breather doghouse thing. So you're looking at $30-40 total cost for the CCV. You can see pics of mine in my sig.

My plans for my next mods now that the ATS and big head are done are going to be a BTS valve body (damn auto tranny), chip from Jody, and Hutch mods & Harpoon while tank's down. :)

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