vapor_300 said:
Recently I just traded in my 2001 Cummin's in on a 2006 Powerstroke. And to tell the truth I dont know much about these powerstroke's, and most that I have heared about them is bad. I was just curious about what i should watch for on these things, the do's the dont's, you know all that kind of stuff.
Also I have a Sledpuller 66 turbo that I took off by dodge, does anyone know if they will work in a ford?
06 strokes are probably going to be the best for the 6.0 engine
most issues have been resolved and we are not at a record number of recalls for teh year.
Dont tow over your rated capacity
Dont let your wife know how much money you spend on mods
Do drive it like a truck and let her breath
Do get good gauges, at least a real tranny temp and an exhaust guage, then a boost and its all up from there
Do change oil like its recommended
if you get a tuner...... or chip...... warranty could be an issue later
Do get a good freer breathing exhaust
Wash her regualry, followed by hugs and waxing
put truck details in your signature, that way we can help you spend $$ on her
I like my truck a good bit
on my fourth one