Recent content by tankerdude

  1. T

    RV sized Ice Maker ?

    You got a good price on that one. $79 bucks is about all it's worth to me, as the regular price of $219 can buy a heck of allot of ice at the local $2 ice machine. 20 lbs bulk for $2.
  2. T

    RV sized Ice Maker ?

    Camping World now has that on an internet only price of $219.99 and $5 shipping. Dometic - Dometic Portable Stainless Steel Ice Maker - HZB-15S - Small Appliances - Camping World Sorry Joe.
  3. T

    Oil cooler?

    From what I've seen, the BulletProofDiesel oil cooler kit is really not a good comparison to a factory style. Sure the money is WAY less with the IPResearch or even a factory oil cooler, but the way they operate is the difference. I just had my oil cooler replaced (EGR delete at the same time)...
  4. T

    EGR delete and new oil cooler

    Well, it finally happened. Engine getting too hot, but the EDAS from system I installed some time back saved me... sorta. About 5 months ago I flushed the cooling system (long story, won't go into it) using up about 8 hours on a Saturday. Caught the original coolant in a...
  5. T

    OEM Gearsets

    The upshot - probably not going to have problems with the EGR coking up. Coolant temps staying within range?
  6. T

    Vehicle &Trailer Scales

    You could always make your own using a regular bathroom scale. Besides the scale itself, you'd need a sturdy piece of square tubing about 6 feet long, and a sturdy piece of 2" pipe about 6 or 8 inches long. The length of the pipe is not critical, as it's only going to be used to support the...
  7. T

    Vehicle &Trailer Scales

    Take it to a truck stop. Chances are there's a couple near each other, and chances are at least ONE of them has scales.
  8. T

    Question-Is Rev-X snake oil or does it solve stiction?

    I used it in mine right after I had the oil changed. So, about 2k miles on it now. It did seem to help with how the engine ran at idle when it was cold, and seemed to help when the engine was warming up with missing. Also, I just got the "blue spring" kit installed last weekend. THAT seemed...
  9. T

    2005 6.0 won't start in the cold

    Please let us know what happens! That's some good info, Dave.
  10. T

    04 6.0 turbo question

    As DaveBen said, anything on that truck can wear out. Does it sound right? Unfortunately, yes. 138k+ miles will do that, especially if regular maintenance wasn't so "regular". If the bearings are bad, there's a good chance you'll see evidence of oil getting past the cold side bearing and...
  11. T

    2005 6.0 won't start in the cold

    Did you figure out what the problem was? Here's my "help": First, do the obvious: Check to ensure the fuel isn't gelled up. When it's a cold start (and 0 deg. F is pretty dang cold), cycle the key to "on", listen for the injectors to stop chattering, then cycle the key to "off". You don't...
  12. T

    Overheat condition

    Eric, I bet you STAY in trouble, don't you?!! Neck get a little cramped-up sleeping in the dog house, eh? :lmao :stir Me too! :sweet I learned a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNG time ago that the way to keep MY wife happy is to NEVER buy her anything she can wear without her being present. Even THEN my...
  13. T

    Overheat condition

    We can only hope so. It seems like the last quarter of 2011 was designed to extract money from my bank account and spread it around. Mainly to Volvo to fix my big rig, but some got spread to Ford also. I've been kinda hoping that crap was OVER.
  14. T

    Overheat condition

    THAT makes sense. First time I've heard it, but it makes sense. Considering what I've noticed since the high idle mod was done, I would say that the PCM and the high idle mod aren't working against each other... they're working WITH each other. Basically, what you're saying is to let the...
  15. T

    Overheat condition

    I think I'll pay a visit to the parts store I use.... I be they can at least read the codes for me, then I'll come back here and see what they mean! Thanks for the info, Eric!

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