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  1. C

    06 Tachometer issues..??

    Weird problem, as of late the tach has been way off and not consistant.. Sometimes way low, sometimes way high, sometimes right on.. Seemed like loose needle, because when real high I can peg it against boost guage and make it back off some the amount it slips I suppose... But it seems...
  2. C

    What rear shocks for best ride?

    Just placed leveling kit from ebay the one everyone suggested.. Forget the name now, nice kit though.. I have recently noticed the truck bounces alot after bumps now, did not notice right after, but recently been driving me nuts. I am assuming its due to rears extending all the way since...
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    Taking to track tomorrow

    I am a long time racer, both of my cars are currently down.. I decided to get an Xtreme race from Eric at Innovative for stock bolter truck.. Only mods so far are 4" MBRP TB less cat, ZooDad Mod, Guages, SCT... I will let you all know how it goes, hope I do not end up with 3 down..
  4. C

    MBRP 4" TB Just installed..

    Just arrived today, took about 1.5 hours to remove factory and install myself.. Truck seems to run a little better, seems to sound nice, have not heard myself outside yet though. Downpipe was a total PITA to hook back by myself, but I installed the bend at bottom and used a jack stand to...
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    SES and no power/boost? Restarted and OK.

    While towing my car home from track last night noticed SES light come on, then huge loss of power, could build no more than 5-8 lb of boost and EGT running high.. Did visual check and see nothing of course, SHut truck down and restarted and problem was gone and running great again. Though...
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    Question Any recommended free mods? ZooDad done

    Thanks for any help, just curious what I can do before spending Much/alot.. Plan on getting an MBRP 4" soon, any help to removing stock cat/muffler? Hear about some fuel pressure increases.. Worth anything? Thanks for any help.. Great truck so far - rotated tires couple days ago, took...
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    Question Drivers door rattles

    Just as header states, when going over bumps door rattles - If I hold against it, it stops.. The rubber all seems to be in good condition and the stops do as well... Tried adjusting striker but it is not moveable.. Any thoughts.
  8. C

    Question 4" or 5" exhaust? Any downfall to 5?

    See a lot of people using 4" here, and reason not to do 5"? or will 4 give all the flow needed? Thankss for any help... Just purchased 6.0 unmodded at this point..
  9. C

    Help Needed 2006 Superduty Questions -New owner..

    Hi all, just purchased an F250 6.0, this is my first Diesel and it os great this far.. Towing power is amazing and just logged 18.5 from pa to Michigan with no mods at all yet.. However I have some questions: First -I do not see a trip reset button or trip display by odometer? There...
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    New Member New Member

    Hi all, Just an introduction.. Just purchased a 2006 F250 6.0, this is my first diesel and love it so far.. I have owned several F150s, but the amount of towing i do I should have had this long ago..

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