Engine shake idle/in gear


Full Access Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Rogersvilles, AL

The fuel system, by design, will eventually purge any air.. from things like.. a filter change.. or some work fuel line work etc.. BUT.. as long as there are fittings like, the fuel pump inlet fitting.. the mixing valve set up in the fuel tank.. yer guna have [constant] (possible) sources for air to be SUCKED into the system.... whenever the key is on, engine is running.

Did you read up, in the WIKI/Search areas about the fixes ??

Yes I have, but I'm afraid I'll get in the middle of doing either (especially the hutch mod) mod and find myself not having the know-how on finishing the mods or putting it back the way it was. Not to mention it rains constantly here in LA and I have no dry shelter to work in. I would like to have someone with more mechanical experience with me to help out...unfortunately my dad is no where around.

I thought about something and was wanting to ask if it would work....

Take an old fuel filter lid and tap it with a quick connect for an air line and put a gauge on it....screw it down onto the fuel filter housing with the gasket and charge the housing and see if the pressure drops indicating an air leak. I figured that the fuel on the inkector side is at a dead end and no air would get to the injectors....and it might push the fuel back into the tank if its possible. Any thoughts?? I'm sure its not a good idea but I've never heard of anyone mention it.

Also, when I let my truck prime the fuel filter bowl, I went back out and flipped the yellow lever to make sure it did have fuel back in the bowl (I'm paranoid) and it came out with force. If the fuel system had a way for air to get in, would the bowl eventually loose pressure...over time? Or would it loose pressure anyways regardless of an air leak??

I'm sorry for all the questions...I'm just not familiar with the fuel system on these trucks. Thanks for all the help;tu Yall are some great guys

And what happened to the pics on the FPR shimming??
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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When we say.. Air In The Fuel.. we don't mean big slugs of Air.. What can actually happen is: If any amount of Air seeps in, gets MIXED with the fuel.. (in micro sized bubbles).. unequal fuel pressure gets delivered to the injectors.. (a liquid can't be compressed, with entrained air in it) because of the air.... causing a rough idle and loss of potentially available performance.

The PCM (chipped or not) picks up on the eratic pressures, from sensors throughout the system... might try to compensate for it.. things can go down hill from there.. sometimes.

Your idea about the gauge (IT NEEDS TO BE A FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE) in the filter cap/lid.. might show you the static fuel pressure, at idle.. BUT I WOULDN'T PUT ANY PRESSURE, OTHER THAN WHAT THE FUEL PUMP CREATES.. BACK INTO THE FUEL SYSTEM. (see options first)

You should see 45 to 60 psi (stock), Steady. If the needle bounces ? after a minute or two ? you probably have air in the fuel. (see options first)

2 options to consider ?

1. Replace the FP inlet fitting with a piece of fuel hose and 2 band clamps.

2. Keep your fuel tank at least half full at all times (mixing valve submerged)

* Admin was sposta fix those pics.
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